WOW - Week # 6 - 2/6/22


- WOD 1

3 RFT:
10 Deadlift (275, 190)
50 Double-unders

Chuck Carswell 2:46, Leah Polask 3:06 (198lbs). 

Compare to: 2/6/12 

- WOD 2


12 Box Jump (24/ 20") 
6 Thruster (95/ 65#) 
6 Bar-facing burpees

Jenn Jones 9 rounds + 19 reps (20" box, 65lbs)

Compare to: 2/7/12

- WOD 3

Squat Clean

Front Squat

Compare to: 2/8/12

- WOD 4

Nasty Girls

3 Rounds for time

50 Squats
7 Muscle Ups
10 Hanging Power Clean (135/ 95#)

Compare to: 2/9/12

- WOD 5

Tabata for Total Reps:

Row* (Calories )
Rest 1 Minute
Handstand Push-Up
Rest 1 Minute

*Keep flywheel spinning durring 10 sec rest.
(Post Grand Total reps to comments)

Compare to: 2/10/12

- WOD 6

Team WOD

For Time, In Teams of 4-6:
75 Squat Snatch (135/ 95#)
150 Ring Dips
300 Box Jump (24/ 20”)

Compare to: 2/11/12

1 comment:

Evan said...

WOD 5: 48/28 (mat)/43 (mat) = 119 total

WOD 4: 9:55 (21 Sqts, green, 95#)

WOD 2: 7 or 8 rnds (20", 65#)

WOD 6: 9:47 (20#, 95#)

WOD 3: S.clean: 60, 65, 70 kg / F Squat: 75 KG

WOD 1: 8:52 (198# )