Evan Davidson, Owner, Head Coach:
Email: info@crossfitdiesel.com
Phone: Available to Personal Training Clients

Evan has been working full-time as a Personal Trainer for the past 5 years. Upon discovering Crossfit in 2007 and implementing its methodologies with his clients, Evan has witnessed phenomenal success, growth and development in fitness levels of his clients. Evan is proud to have coached athletes/clients to break 18 Powerlifting records, win endurance races and even hike Mt. Everest. Evan's sports background includes years of competing and coaching Sport Acrobatics/Gymnastics, Kickboxing &Jujitsu.
Certifications & Sports Achievement:
- CrossFit Level I Trainer
- CrossFit Endurance Trainer
- CrossFit Olympic Weightlifting Trainer
- NSPA Certified Personal Trainer
- NSPA Certified Weight Management Specialist
- NMAA Certified Jujitsu Instructor - Nidan (2nd degree Black Belt)
- USA Sports Acrobatics Nationals, 1998 - Bronze Medal
- American Ju-Jitsu Assoc. Nationals, 2002 - 1st Place
Mandi Davidson, Owner, General Manager:
Email: info@crossfitdiesel.com
Mandi has been passionate about teaching Health and Fitness since 1996. Having been a professional ballet and modern dancer for more than 8 years Mandi feels extremely comfortable teaching body alignment and movement mechanics. When not in the gym she can be found outside hiking, biking or rollerblading.
Certifications & Sports Achievements:
- CrossFit Level I Trainer
- CrossFit Olympic Weightlifting Certified
- Crossfit Mobility Certification
- C2 Rowing Certified
- Maryland State Powerlifting Record Holder for the 48kg weight class, 10'
- Certified Pilates Instructor: under Message Therapist Mike Wright
- Bachelor of Arts in Dance, UMBC: Cum Laude
- Sivananda Yoga: 18 week intensive under Yogi Sarabess Foster
- Colorado Ballet Dancer
- Bowen McCauley Stretch: under Bowen McCauley, USA Women's Gymnastics Team Trainer
Steve Hulin, Coach
Steve has been involved in sports since being able to walk on two legs, spending available time conditioning for sports via the mainstream “globo” gym. All that changed the day he was introduced to Crossfit. He hasn’t looked back since.
“Crossfit has entirely refocused my strategy of obtaining of fitness and sport performance. Achieving higher levels of athletic potential and functionality in the most efficient manner is what training is all about. Being able to carry the torch of sharing Crossfit with others is what makes our community stronger, faster and ready to tackle the unknown…” That unknown reared its head as Steve successfully ran with the bulls during the San Fermin festival in Pamplona, Spain early July 2010. What unknown do you train for?
Certifications & Sports Achievements:
- CrossFit Level I Trainer
- CrossFit Olympic Weightlifting Trainer
- Won the Maryland State Powerlifting Bench Record for the 82.5kg weight class
Teresa Luz, Coach

Certifications & Sports Achievements:
- 1st place finisher of the Beast of the East 2011
- 2nd place finisher at Crossfit Diesel's 5ton5k 2011
- 2011 Mid-Atlantic Regional Top 12 Finalist
- CrossFit Level I Trainer
- Registered Nurse
- AHA BLS & ACLS Provider
Tyler Tom, Coach
Tyler has been involved w ith contact sports since his teens. He was always told that a critical component to success with these activities was solid fundamentals on the field and quality time with the iron off. Adopting those practices for life he eventually ran into the wall that many do when at the globo gyms, grinding routines of weights, hours of cardio, and no real progress. In 2009 a close friend introduced Tyler to crossfit where he was then introduced to "Tabata" squats and found he couldn't walk the next day. Crippled and confused he was now addicted. Tyler credit's crossfit with reshaping his understanding of fitness and health and is excited to help others become better, faster, stronger.
Certifications & Sports Achievement:
- CrossFit Level I Trainer
- GORUCK! Challenge, Finisher Class 005
- Warrior Dash 2010, Finisher
- Marine Corps Marathon 2006, Finisher
- Various IM Soccer teams (captained and played on)
- 5 Years collegiate Rugby
- 6 Years youth and high school Football
Michael Gross, Coach
Michael participated in numerous sports and training protocols beginning in high school: rugby, biking, krav maga, running, weight training, inline speedskating, swimming, yoga and parkour. Though he was never a standout at any of these endeavors, he considered himself far more generally fit than the average single-sport athlete.
Then, in January 2007, Michael discovered Crossfit, a sport devoted to being ready for any physical challenge, and he fell in love with it. He's very excited to share his enthusiasm for Crossfit with anyone who wants to become fitter and have fun doing it.
Outside of Crossfit, Michael enjoys modifying and racing tiny sports cars. He also holds a Ph.D in Electrical Engineering from Georgia Intsitute of Technology.
Certifications & Sports Achievements:
- Crossfit Level 1 Trainer
- Krav maga level 4
- 4 years of collegiate road and mountain cycling
- 4 years of collegiate rugby
- Atlanta Half Marathon multi-time finisher
- Untold hours in the weight room and on the road
Susan has been a dedicated fitness fanatic since the beginning of time...her parents swear that she was doing "pushups" as a newborn infant in the hospital nursery and boast that she successfully "vaulted" over the side of her crib by the age of 2! It is no surprise that Susan became hooked on Crossfit when she attended her first freezing cold "outdoor" WOD during the pre-box days of Crossfit Diesel in December 2009.
Certifications & Sports Achievements:
- Registered Dietitian
- Crossfit Olympic Weightlifting Certified since 2010
- Competitive gymnast grade 1 through college
- Competitive powerlifter; current State, National & American record holder; most recent accomplishments include
- awarded Best Lifter at Maryland State Championship in November 2010
- won 1st place at Oil Heritage Push & Pull in July 2011
- Raw National Powerlifting Champion in Masters division/60kg weight class in August 2011
- Won 2nd place at the Capital City Olympic Weightlifting Opener in February 2011
- Participated in the Beast of the East Crossfit Competition in October 2011

believer in the Crossfit philosophy, which lead to a complete change in training. Previous to that Jason was immersed in men’s fitness magazines and pumping out low-rep biceps curls in a feeble attempt to mimic his fitness idol, Chuck Norris. Although Jason lacks the impressive Chuck Norris mustache, he has far surpassed his previous fitness goals. Nowadays, Chuck Norris looks under his bed at night for Jason. Jason is Crossfit Level 1 certified and is very proficient at helping others attain their own fitness goals. In his own words, “My desire is to give Crossfit to as many people as are open to receiving it.”
Certifications & Sports Achievements:
- CrossFit Level I Trainer
- Just look at our Gym Records, and you will see Jason at (or near) the top of most of them.
Brian Cohee, Endurance Coach
An endurance athlete throughout his life, Brian initially was a year round swimmer, then runner, then triathlete. Medical school and residency in the Baltimore/D.C. area left him struggling to fill a daily endorphin requirement with a severely limited schedule. The brief and intense workouts offered by crossfit initially just helped fill the void left by multiple-hour long workouts on the bike. Over time, however, they have grown to become one of the bright spots of Brian's day, second only to coming home to his son, Oliver. Now the whole family gets involved, and occasionally you will see us all at the gym for a family "team" WOD.
Certifications & Sports Achievements:
- Physician in Internal Medicine
- ACC Mens B Roadrace cycling champion, 2006
- Finisher, Ironman World Championships 2004
- 3rd in age group, 2004 Eagleman 70.3
- Completed a marathon, 3 other half-ironmans, and approximately 30-40 olympic distance triathlons
- Division I Cross Country (briefly)
- State Champion 1000m, Virginia High School Indoor AA Championships, 1999
- Year-round swimming throughout childhood