Wednesday 7/11/12



As many rounds as possible in 15 minutes of:
7 Push Press (#135/#95)
10 OverHead Squats (#135/#95)
15 V-ups

Post rounds to comments

Congratulations Cami for delivering Linnea Marie on July 2nd! She weighted in at 7lb 1oz and was 20 inches long.


Michael said...

Congrats, Cami! You two look great.

RachelRose said...

Cami I'm so happy for u, what a pretty name. Congratulations! I hope u r feeling well :)

Evan said...

Congratulations Cami! :-)

Sujata said...

Many congratulations Cami!

Yvette said...

She's beautiful Cami. Congratulations :)

Yvette said...

BTW her mommy is looking pretty great as well

T said...

Congratulations Cami!!

Steve H said...

Congrats Cami!!!!

Neale said...

Congrats Cami!

Mandi said...

7:00 AM

A Solomon 6 mod
K Berndt 5+12 mod
M Quintanilla 5+8 mod
B Lessler 4+7 mod
B Bush 4+7 mod
M Swanson 4+7 mod
A Ne 3 mod
C Tate ?
J Mckinley 6+14 Rookie/mod

Hoi_Yee said...

Congratulations Cami!! A beautiful name for a beautiful baby!!

Jason H said...

Congrats Cami!

Rx Jump Ropes

Evan said...


T.Tom 6+7
J.Greco 4+24
A.Shishineh 4+5
M.Sullivan 4+2
T.Sterl 6+9 (mod)
A.Fountain 6+7 (mod)
K.Elliot 6+4 (mod)
N.Schiffele 6 (mod)
M.Gerwig 5+17 (mod)
C.Dorsey 5+8 (mod)
J.Thrift 4+14 (mod)
J.Shrader 3+13 (mod)

Neale said...

12:00pm @ work...

N. Salvador 6+3 (mod, 95# PP/OHS)

Mandi said...

7pm - Rookies
7 push press
10 Front Squat
15 V-ups

R Emmons 5+14
T Stern 5+7
E Stern 5+3
E Polasek 4+14
K Shrader 4+7
R Olade 4+7
A Rager 4
W Smith 2+7

Mandi said...


M Gross 9+17 mod
J Goss 6+7 mod
I Bruce 6+7 mod
S Rana 6 mod
M Treas 5+24 mod
C Twaddle 5+19 mod
C Kingwood 5+7 mod
K Faro 5+6 mod
J Hibbard 5 mod
R Morano 5 mod
L Roque 5 mod
J Southworth 4+27 mod

Yvette said...

I'm totally gonna try this WOD. Hopefully on Friday at open gym.

Unknown said...

Thank you to everyone for your kind comments for baby Linnea and me. I hope to return to the gym in the fall. Take care and I'll see you soon!

Steve H said...

Make up on 7/15

NWC - 4+9

Dr. Steve Horwitz said...

Make up on 7/18

NWC- 4+7

Final Thoughts... that was tough!