Second 1/2 - Filthy 5050 Push Press
50 Russian KB Swing (53/ 35#)
50 Wallball (20/ 14#)
50 Burpees
50 Double Unders
JerryRun 1 Mile
Row 2000 Meters
Run 1 Mile
Compare to 4/4/12
First 1/2 - Filthy Fifty (variation)
50 Box Jumps
50 Jumping Pull-ups
50 Kettlebell Swings (#35/26.5)
50 Walking Lunges
50 Toes to bar
Compare to 4/5/12
21-15-9 = StrongUp to 21 Squat 1.5 x BW (2:00 time limit)
Up to 15 Ground to Overhead 1 x BW (1:30 time limit)
Up to 9 Dead-Stop Deadlift lift 2 x BW (1:00 time limit)
Rest fully between exercises
In the squat – The bar may not be rested on the rack
In the C&J – The bar may be rested on the floor
In the Deadlift – No touch and go. Please stand between reps
If the athlete finish the max number of reps – Advance them to:
Back Squat --> Front Squat
C & J --> Snatch
Deadlift --> Deficit Deadlift
Compare to 4/6/12
Team Angie with RunningIn teams of 2 perform:
200m Run - alternating athletes, while the other accumulates reps on the following team chipper:
- 100 Pull-Ups
- 100 Push-Ups
- 100 Sit-Ups
- 100 Squats
Compare to 4/7/12
1 comment:
WOD 1 - second 1/2 Filthy 50 - 11:24 (Rkbs 53#)
WOD 2 - Press 115#, Pull-up +20#
WOD 3 - Jerry - 22:15 (sub 7 min J.Rope+Jog in place for running)
WOD 4 - first 1/2 Filthy 50 - 11:15 (25/25 T2B/ leg raise)
WOD 5 - Practiced Floor press (167#) and P.Snatch (127#)
WOD 6 - Did not perform Angie variation
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