Saturday 8/18/12




Push Press (75#m / 55# w)
Sumo Deadlift High Pull (75# m / 55#)

(Post the lowest number of reps, for each exercise, to comments)


Mandi said...

9:00 am

Y.Schreiber 12/6/10
V.Kurian 8/5/7
K.Faro 8/6/8
K.Bernt 9/6/11 (mod)
J.Schrader 10/7/10
Q.Israel 6/6/4
A.Rager 8/6/9 (mod)
R.Leiberman 3/5/9 (mod)
E.Dean 5/8/14 (mod)
K.Schrader 6/5/8 (mod)
C.Kingwood 5/5/6
C.Bruce 12/3/11
A.Rigney 6/6/8
L.Cohee 7/4/12
H.Dean 5/5/8
S.Hulin 11/8/11

Yvette said...

Mine should read 13/6/10. I guess I should write neater on the board.

Mike T said...

10 am

E. Wildermuth 5/6/9
J. Wildermuth 6/6/8
R. McCarthy 6/5/5
E. Ayala 6/5/3
N. Pham 7/7/5
A. Solomon 6/5/8 (75#)
C. Knepper 3/3/4 (45#)
Andre 3/5/8

Brian Cohee said...

12 / 3 / 11

Messed up the timing on the SDHPs