7 Rounds for Max Load:
1 Snatch Balance
3 Overhead Squat
Compare to 6/17/11
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Way to go Michael G & AJ for completing your Crossfit Level 1 certification!
Crossfit Diesel's 5ton5k is coming! We need volunteers for judging, sign-in, taking photo's and more. If you want to help please sign in on the bulletin board or email Evan.
or Click Here and sign up under the "Seminars" Tab :-)
7:00 am
Hilary 7:06 (45#, J.PU)
Dipti 9:45 (25#-ROM, J.PU)
Shilpa 10:10 (25#-ROM, J.PU)
Pallav dnf (35#, J.PU)
5 PM
Matt 185 PR!
Mike S 170#
Mike G 125#
Dan H 120#
Vinu 115#
A.J. 115#
Jim 95#
Jason H 95#
Kevin 85#
Sean 65#
Rachel L 50# (practice)
OHS "After Party" posted under the last heavy OHS day: 1/31/11
link: http://diesel-gym.blogspot.com/2011/01/monday-13111.html
6:00 PM
Tyler 185#
Jamison 125#
Chris 115#
Yvette 90#
Amy 60#
Kim 55#
Congratulations on some awesome lifting today gang!
Sarah 68#
Rachel M 73#
Teresa 130#
Clean 150 PR! GR!
Jerk 150 PR! GR!
OHS 150 PR! GR!
Great job tonight gang!!
And you where nervous about getting those Oly. lifts up to 2011 averages ...
Well it was an honor to have been above Teresa for that OHS for at least an hour :) Nice GR x3 Teresa
Congrats on making the board! Great job girl.
Now is that
Clean & Jerk
It was a behind-the-neck split jerk to OHS. Dropped the bar to the ground, then squat cleaned it. Not sure if the behind-the-neck split jerk counted as the whiteboard jerk or not...
BTW..CONGRATS to both AJ and Mike G. on your Level I cert. Way to go!
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