Wednesday 4/14/10



Front Squat

Compare to 11/18/09

Seated Good Morning

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Photo by Mike T.
Courtesy of our Facebook Page
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Unknown said...

Mandi, when are we going bowling?

Mandi said...

Let's go this Saturday Night at 8pm! The bowling alley is basically on the other side of Snowden River. It will be just like kettlebell swings.....only this time you get to release it! Who's in???
7100 Carved Stone, Columbia, MD

L said...

Evan, it was 185 SGM. I was in a rush, sorry!

Mike T said...

I forgot to write it down sorry. 145/195

Mandi said...

Front Squat/ S. Good Morn. = Total

John M - 245 (265x1 GR!)/ 285 = 530
Steve H - 245 PR/ 285 = 530
Kristian - 225 (245x1)/245 = 470
Evan - 195(205x1)/205 = 400
Dan - 180 (185x1)PR/215 = 395
Oliver - 185(195x1)/185 = 370
Mike G - 208 (215x1)/155 = 363
Mike T - 145/195=340
Mark - 135/135 = 270
Dillon - 180(ROM)/195(205x1) = 375

Anita - 145/185 = 330
Robin - 115(120x1)/135 = 250
Meghan - 115(120x1)/ 125 = 240
Mandi - 95(100x1)/135 = 230
Kim - 75/95 = 170
Molly - 90/70 = 160