Tuesday 4/13/10



3 Rounds for Time:

30 Burpees (yay burpees!)
30 Toes to Bar
100' OH Walking Lunges (45/ 25# bumper plate)

(Post time to Comments)

Photo by Mike T.


Unknown said...

Evan, you're making it difficult for me to stay positive... I'm at least looking forward to the Strongman class.

Dan Hook said...

The OH walking lunges are giving me flashbacks to last Labor Day epic WOD.

Unknown said...

I was watching the video of that dude telling them what they had to do, wondering where that gym was: hot girls... I wonder if they'll let me volunteer to score the women at the CF Games. :)

Evan said...

It so happens, John, that the CFG Regionals are looking for volunteers.

Sujata said...

Hi everyone from a sunny spring in Rwanda! The gym at the hotel here is closed due to the long-week national mourning for the 1994 genocide and so I need a WOD that I can do in my room. I was looking at the WOD from 2/13(50 Sit-ups;21 Pull-ups; 40 Sit-ups;18 Pull-ups; 30 Sit-ups; 15 Pull-ups; 20 Sit-ups; 12 Pull-ups;10 Sit-ups; 9 Pull-ups) and was wondering what the sub for pull-up is. I'm trying to avoid burpees for another day or two! Thanks!

Mandi said...

Great to hear from you Sujata. I would recommend another pulling motion, perhaps Sumo-Deadlift-High-Pull. Fill a backpack with heavy items, use a frying pan.....be creative. :)

Julie said...

I knew in advance that I was going to have to miss Tuesday. Imagine my "disappointment" when I realized it was burpees that I was missing. So sad. So, so sad.

Sujata said...

Thanks Mandi! Today I did Eva T's Invisible Fran 21-15-9 of Squats & Push-ups. It felt good struggling through the push-ups and managing 1/2 real push-ups instead of knees Push-ups!

Unknown said...

Today was brutal. Great job with the WOD and then doing the Strongman, you guys are friggin beasts!

L said...

This Strongman/Strongwoman stuff is fun!

Mandi said...

On-Ramp WOD

15 Medball cleans (#20)
15 Push-ups

Jess 7:37
Michael 9:50

Evan said...

Gang, you rocked it!

Mike G - 21:21 -ds
Evan - 23:51 -ds
Kristian - 26:32
Tyler - 27:53
Steve - 28:00 -ds
Dan - 29:03 -ds
Keith - 30:40
John M - 31:43 -ds
Dillon - 28:13 (Lunge-ROM)
John H - 28:45 (KtHip)
Mike T - 32:53 (Sit-Ups, 25#)

Mandi - 27:52 -gs
Jen - 21:58 (TtB/ KtHip RL-ROM) -gs
Meghan - 29:35 (KtA) -gs
Anita - 26:15 (KtHip) -gs
Molly - 25:32 (KtHip, Lunge-Rom) -gs