Saturday 12/5/09



Back Squat


REST - then

A variation of "The Lumberjack 20"

20 Deadlift (250/ 165)
100 m Run
20 KB Swing (1.5/ 1 pood)
100 m Run
20 Overhead Squat (95/ 65)
100 m Run
20 Burpee
100 m Run
20 Pull-Up
100 m Run
20 Box Jump (24/ 20")
100 m Run
20 Squat Clean (95/ 65)
100 m Run

(Post squat loads and times to comments)

Compare Squats to 10/10/09

1 comment:

Evan said...


Aaron - 245
Mike T. - 185
Donte - 185
Oliver - 175
Pat - 175

Anita - 125
Becky - 85

Lumberjack-20 Variation

Pat - 22:56
Aaron - 23:55
Oliver - 25:33 (1 scale)
Donte - 28:06 (1 scale)
Mike T. - 25:10 (6 scales)

Anita - 20:12 (5 scales)
Becky - 23:33 (5 scales)