Thursday 8/16/12


50 Double-Unders
20 Handstand Push-ups
50 Sit-ups
20 Handstand Push-ups
50 Double-Unders

Post time to comments


whitney said...

Would anyone be interested in the 5 ton 5k team??

Evan said...


A.Shishineh 3:19
W.Bigelow 8:41
G.Yakaitis 6:16 (mod)
K.Kuadey 7:22 (mod)
K.Berndt 7:27 (mod)
D.London 7:46 (mod)
B.Lessler 9:55 (mod)
C.Twaddle 10:06 (mod)
C.Kinswood 10:40 (mod)
R.Pierson 11:50 (mod)

Evan said...


A.Fountain 4:44
M.Gross 5:56 (VAR)
K.Faro 10:55
M.Stephen 11:57
S.Wilner 8:40 (mod)
A.Kruger 5:59 (mod)
M.Sullivan 11:45 (mod)
D.Hook 11:53 (mod)


H.Y.Tom 4:17
S.Pickett 6:28
S.Stephens 6:33
T.Tom 8:24 (VAR)
I.Bruce 9:15
S.Fountain 4:52 (mod)
K.Shrader 5:22 (mod)
L.Sanciango 5:44 (mod)
M.Ruiz 6:45 (mod)
J.Thrift 6:46 (mod)
Y.Shreiber 6:53 (mod)
L.Rouque 7:01 (mod)
J.Shreiber 7:59 (mod)
J.Shrader 9:30 (mod)
J.Southworth 10:38 (mod)

Yvette said...

I didn't MOD mine

T said...

E. Davidson 5:09
A. Rigney 6:05 [mod]
Sh. Hulin 6:46 [mod]
A. Solomon 7:00 [mod]
K. Baranowski 7:11 [mod]
E. Raymond 7:15 [mod]
H. Dean 15:00 [mod]

Dan Hook said...

I'm not going to say that doing the 'G' 20 minutes before this WOD is a good idea, but I will say it isn't quite as bad of an idea as it first appears.

Steve H said...


St Hulin 6:02