Monday 8/6/12



4 Rounds for Time

400 m Run
50 Squats

Compare to: 5/1/10

Congratulations Susan on Taking Gold in the Masters and Silver in the All-Around competition at USAPL's National Meet!

P.S. - Susan now holds 8 National records!


T said...

This workout must be Susan's - every picture (well the last two anyways) from this workout seem to be her - and now the USAPL records!

Way to go Susan!

Michael said...

Nice job, Susan. Congratulations.

Hoi_Yee said...

Way to crush it, Susan!! Awesome job!!

Evan said...


A.Shishineh 11:25
K.Bernt 13:58
T.Henry 15:02
D.Lnodon 15:05
B.Lessler 17:28

jshish8 said...

Susan, you are amazing!

Accessory Eddie said...

Great Job Susan! AMMMAZINNGG :)

RachelRose said...

I knew u would rock it Susan!! Congratulations!!

Rachel L. said...

Hey everyone,

So I'm posting this here as a first come first serve basis. I signed up to do the tough mudder on Sept. 8th in Frederick with the Diesel team and as much as I still want to compete, I've decided that it is not a good idea with just returning from a broken ankle.

If anyone is interested in taking my spot please let me know. Either write back on the blog or find me in the gym.


Rachel L.

RachelRose said...

Rachel, would you consider doing the Tough Mudder with me next year...??? It's only $30 to reschedule...

Neale said...

Outstanding job Susan! Congrats!

Neale said...

12pm (@ work)

N. Salvador 11:36 Rx'd

Susan S. said...

Thanks everyone! It was an awesome day. Brought home more Diesel BLING!!!

Josh said...

Rachel, I have someone interested in doing the TM... can you basically give your registration to someone else?

Steve H said...

M Gross 12:44
J Shrader 12:49
A Fountain 13:36 +#20 Vest
D Hook 13:56
M Sullivan 15:07
S Rana 15:11
J Thrift 17:05
S Witner 17:20
R Morano 17:50
E Raymond 17:41 (40 squats)
S Hulin 17:42 +#20 Vest
Andrew Ne 18:18

T Tom 11:21
S Fountain 11:57
J Staman 12:42
I Bruce 12:55
J Southworth 13:32
S Stephens 13:48
E Stern 13:48
T Stern 13:54
Sh Hulin 15:11
S Pickett 15:28
M Treas 16:28 PR
R Lieberman 18:15

Evan said...

+ Christian Knepper
in the 6:00 PM class

Evan said...

20 Jump Rope
15 Squat
10 Push Up]

C. Adams 14+20
B. Wonderly 10+23
R. Davis 10+18
A. Krueger 8+31
R. Thompson 8+25
D. Nguyen 8+12
M. Ruiz 8
L. Sanciangco 7+35
A. Hains 7+34
J. Truong 7
B. Terfehr 6+41
K. Burrell 6+28
R. Ramos 6+25
D. Morgan 6
A. Adams 6
D. Carr 5+41
HP. Schwebler 5+36
L. Elder 5+24

Great job gang way to push hard!

Cameron said...

Way to go Susan!! That's amazing! I'll have to check out your weights.

On another note...Diesel has a ton of new people at the gym now. Way to go guys!

T said...

4 seconds AJ - vacation make you slow?

RachelRose said...

AJ I think u should challenge T to a rematch... ie at open gym. I bet with the competition u would both come in under 10 minutes...

jshish8 said...

T, you are a great runner (whether you want to admit it or not ) + I had my heaviest Smolov on Sunday. ;)

Brian Cohee said...

NWC 10:44

T said...

Well looks like Brian put us both in or place :)

Yvette said...

Better late then never. I did this on Saturday at a track close by. 13:37. Curious to see if when I do it again w/ others if I'd be able to go faster.