Friday 7/6/12


5 Rounds for time:
15 Toe to Bar
15 Russian Kettlebell swing (#53/#35)
15 Feet Handstand Walk
15 Box Jump (24"/20")

Post time to comments


Brian Cohee said...

Pre-warning for the endurance WOD this weekend. We will be mountain bike riding in Patapsco State Park.

To find the location, google "Patapsco State Park - Avalon Entrance". It is located just off route 1, south of where I-195 crosses over.

Once entering the park, drive until the road comes to a T, then take a LEFT and look for the playground that comes up on your right. Park there. The WOD will start at 0900 AM.

You will need to bring at the very least a mountain bike and a helmet. There are road biking options in the park, but the WOD will be on trails.

There is a small fee per car for park entrance.

Evan said...

7:00 am

A.Shishineh 10:00
T.Luz 10:16 (wall)
B.Bush 16:10 (wall)
S.Rana 18:31 (wall)
G.Yakatis 18:13 (mod)
A.Solomon 18:40 (mod)
K.Kuadey 19:16 (mod)
B.Lessler 19:46 (mod)

Tony Braglio said...

5 rounds for time
5 dead lifts 225
10 flying buirpies
At crossfit Daytona

Evan said...


M.Gross 11:48
J.Hibbard 17:05
T.Tom 15:12 (wall)
S.Hulin 14:09 (wall)
J.Shrader 15:42 (wall)
M.Sullivan 18:57 (wall)
V.Kurian 20:15 (wall)
R.Morano 13:49 (mod)
I.Constandoglo 18:43 (mod)

T said...

H.Y. Tom 9:37
N. Salvador 13:01
K. Elliott 14:41 MOD
I. Bruce 18:47
E. Dean 18:??
H. Dean 19:38

T said...

Y. Schreiber 8:55 [mod]
J. Schreiber 8:45 [mod]

Hoi_Yee said...

After seeing everyone's times, I'm thinking I must've missed a round. I'll have to try this one again, maybe with an abacus next time...