Saturday 6/16/12

Team WOD (teams of 3)

AMRAP - 15 minutes

Person A: 500 Meter Row, while
Person B: 30 1Arm Kettlebell HighPull, while
Person C: 30 SumoDeadlift HighPull
(rotate each round)

Person A,B&C: 400 Meter Run (together)

Person A,B&C: 30 Ring Dips (sharing 1 set of rings)

Post Rounds to comments


Evan said...

9:00 am

AJ, Ian, Chris 3+A (~390m)
Brian, Hilary, Shannon 2+B
Zane, Donte, Josh 2+B (~300m)
Sujata, Amy, Lauren 2+A

Awesome job today gang!

The most confusing compare to code to date :-)

Mandi said...

10am Rookies

10 Dips
15 Kettlebell Swings
400 Meter run

B Davis 3+8
E Park 3
A Solomon 3
J Greco 3
K Ahn 3
H Dean 2+25+200m
HP Schwebler 2+20