800m Run
Burpees dos manos*
Toes to bar
800m Run
* Athlete must perform a 2 hand touch of the pull-up bar at the apex of their burpee-jump.
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Congratulations team DIESEL on a 50th place ranking in the 2012 CrossFit Games Open!
Our 100's Athletes - AJ, Yvette and Hoi Yee!
Our 200's Athletes - Tyler, and Susan
Our 100's Athletes - AJ, Yvette and Hoi Yee!
Our 200's Athletes - Tyler, and Susan
A Shishineh 14:59
K Zaller 21:46
B Lessler 22:09 (Toes thru Rings)
G Yakaitis 23:54 (hanging knee raises)
H Dean 23:59
K Kuadey 28:03 (T2B for 7 rnds, then HKR)
D London 30:20
Congratulations Team Diesel!!!! You guys and gals rocked it!
2K Row - 10:15 PR although I was really hoping to get it under 10 mins
That's a great pace and 2K time. Nice job!
T Luz 15:37 (MOD)
M Gross 15:59
C Dodge 19:19 (MOD)
A Fountain 17:23
J Stanan 20:17
K Faro 19:48
S Hulin 16:20
M Davidson 17:40
A Middleton 18:31 (MOD)
S Matthews 18:09
M Stephen 16:08
J. Shrader - 17:08
R. Morano - 19:16 (MOD)
S. Fountain - 23:21
T. Braglio - 26:00
T. Tom - 18:09
J. Hibbard - 17:30
Killer performance!!!
I guess I wrote down the wrong time. I came in after Mandy. Maybe it was 18:23? Whoops...
I Reid 14:02 row
J Moore 15:52 row
HY Tom 16:22 row
S Wilkes 18:47 mod
Y Gorodisky 19:04
K Berndt 21:27
L Brown 21:51 mod
E Dean 22:26 mod
A Rigney 22:37 rom
S Brown 25:27 mod
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