10am - Rookies Class
11am - Barbells 4 Boobs fundraiser
Donating to this fundraiser is easy, just click this link and contribute. All are welcome to participate regardless of donation.
30 Clean & Jerk (135/ 95#)
Compare to 7/25/11
Endurance Class
Please check comments for details.
Teresa: Kick Butt at the Fall Brawl!
I'm going to attempt to show up and to bring Gavin. He has a particular enthusiasm for boobs and will be glad to support them.
Yay babies (and boobs) !
Hey guys,
Anyone interested I found this site looking to work out some Zone meals. It's limited in some categories (Soy protein was the only one listed in the recipe I linked), but you can do custom entries too it appears.
Good site.
Also, I've been going here for good pale discussions: http://paleohacks.com
For any suggested at home WOD's involving paralletes?
T 2:31 PR GR!
Susan 5:57
Micheal G 6:09 PR
AJ 7:30 PR
Rachel L 7:44 PR
Dan H 3:34 (#115)PR
Jay 4:46 (#40)
Mike T 6:35 (#105)PR
Rachel M 7:40 (#85)
Shannon 8:09 (#75)
Hillary 8:16 (#75)
Kim 8:59 (#72.5)
Josh 9:15 (#125)
Ann ?
Helen ?
Great Job everyone!
10ring push-ups, 10wallclimbs
Eric 5+1
Hil 4+10
Dipti 4
Kwame 3+18
Jay 3+10
Brad 3+10
There are some paleo blogs that are very popular, like everydaypaleo, marks daily apple, and thewhole9, but here are a few others I think are great:
I found something AWESOME for anyone who wants to be very tight on nutrition during this challenge (I want to but this is day 6 and I admit I have not been as tuned in as I want to be yet, but doing my best, and ready to get serious now that week 2 is so near):
This has a lot of steps, but it's worth it, so read on...
Create an account on a website called Calorie Counter:
Now, log in and follow these steps:
click on 'foods'
click on 'new recipe'
click on 'create a meal'
click on 'create a recipe'
click on 'recipe analyzer'
copy and paste any recipe from any website or blog or whatever.
click on 'analyze recipe'
(fix anything it tells you to fix, ie you can click 'edit recipe' so that you simplify the recipe so the computer can analyze it for you)
and voila, you get the macronutrient info/nutrition facts.
Then you can figure out how many blocks of fat/carbs/protein is in the recipe quickly and write it down, add in some protein to the recipe if you need to, and yeah, this is a lot of work... but I think it will be worth it.
at The Fall Brawl!!!!!
Congrats Teresa!
Congrats Teresa!! I will go drink many beers in celebration!!
You're killing me!
But thanks!
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