Monday 11/29/10



5 rounds for time:

3 Full Cleans (#135/#85)
10 Pull-ups
15 Kettlebell Swings (#53/#35)

Post time to comments

"1st Annual Moving Mo Weight For Prostate Cancer"
Lets move MO weight!


Cain said...

Jason, here is that site I was talking about, with the missions...

Is that the same one you were talking about?

Evan said...

Hey Gang,

I'm making a sign up sheet at the gym and I have a quick question:

Are folks looking at the:
Pensilvania Tough Mudder 4/9-10
or the
Mid-Atlantic(VA) Tough Mudder 10/22-23

Evan said...

Tough Mudder team discounts:

6-10 = $5 off
11+ = $10 off

The first person to register gets to register as the Team Captain and gets to name the team

- I suggest "CrossFit Diesel", but hey, who am I.

Once we hit our team numbers, I think they refund the $5 or $10 dollars.

NOTE: the Mid-Atlantic is still a ways out, so it is still in its Early Bird Discount phase (on Sunday it would be only $80)

Cain said...

Louie Simmons sells those bands,

and you can probably find them elsewhere. I haven't price shopped.

RachelRose said...

Pennsylvania Tough Mudder

Evan said...

Jason 7:19 - 415
Evan 8:32 - 335
Steve 9:22 - 325
Bobby 9:46 - 305
Mike G 12:45
Jamison 13:19 - 305
Todd 12:15 (85#, 35#) - 195
Jesse O 16:08 (95#, 26.5#) - 295
Vinu 15:28 (95#,blue,35#) - 325
Jesse W DNF

Teresa 9:21 - 280
Susan 9:35 - 325
Whitney 9:35
Sarah 15:04 - 210
Meghan 15:06 (red) - 285
Rachel 14:11 (75#, red) - 195
Molly 14:26 (65#,red-blue)
Kim 15:44 (65#,purple,26.5#) - 135
Melisa 12:31 (55#,red)
Jay 14:06 (55# Power, B.Row, 26.5#) -175

Mandi said...

#70, #32, +2 flights of stairs to get to the pull-up station


Matt said...

14:00 - 285