Saturday 11/27/10



7 Rounds for time:

10 SDHP (95/ 65#)
10 Ring Dips

Compare to 1/30/10

(Post time to comments)

SDHP-Ring Dip WOD, Freddy C. vs OPT...[wmv][mov]
Demo compliments of

Here is Susan focused on Deadlift


RachelRose said...

Just curious, what happened to that Rachel that was there in January 2010? (I've only been at CFD since the end of May 2010).

Evan said...

Brian 9:54
Jason 9:59
Cain 16:34 (ring-dip)
Donte 10:42 (
Mike T 10:06 (red)
Joe 11:54 (red)

Teresa 17:11
Whitney 13:54 (
Kim 12:01 (50#, red)

Brian Cohee said...

I will second that, I was impressed at what she wasn't willing to count.

I think all my performances need an asterix now.

Cain said...

Here is a dialogue that is pretty common after a filthy fifty/ring dip sdhp wod/band and box squat marathon:

"AAaaaaAAAAaaaaH! It hurts." "What does?" "Yes."

Teresa said...

Thanks everyone for the much-needed support throughout the workout, but especially at the end when I was struggling both physically and mentally. You guys are amazing! Yet another example of why I love the CrossFit community!

RachelRose said...

Yehawww!! Teresa which day did you sign up for the Tough Mudder (in Pennsylvania in April)? Damn expensive, but I am going with you!

Cain said...

Some globo-gymers are like mogwai. They come with these three rules, and if they violate them they turn into gremlins (or powerlifters)...

1) NEVER squat below parallel, bad for your knees
2) NEVER eat fat or carbs, that's how you gain weight
3) NEVER deadlift, bad for your back

Don't turn into gremlins everyone!

Cain said...

huh, yeah I guess so! Or powerlifters... We are gremlins in the machinery of corporate fitness. (You can use that quote)

Teresa said...

I'm so glad you want to go. I put my name on the board in hopes of getting more feedback from others so that we can all coordinate the day/time to attend. I am pushing for the Saturday date because that allows for more "celebration" time afterward without worrying about work the next day. However, I am willing to adjust to fit the majority. We just need to find out who wants to do it and sign up! My goal is to get everyone on the same page before the next deadline passes and the price goes up another $10!

RachelRose said...

Sounds great Teresa! I think Tyler wants to go, and someone else but I forgot who. If we get 10 people then we all save 10 bucks each. I think we may have a group of more like 5 (I hope!) :) I'll start asking tonight :)

Bobby Gill said...

I have another race that same weekend as Tough Mudder, so sadly won't be able to join. Maybe folks would be interested in stepping up the ante a bit and trying the Death Race?