For time:30 Clean & Jerk (135/ 85#)
(compare to 2/18/10)
or Isabel
For time:30 Snatch (135/ 85#)
(compare to 3/9/10)
(Post time to comments)
Photo by Anita
For the Month of June, CrossFit Diesel will be offering 1/2 Price Private Exercise Therapy/ Mobility sessions. Address your athletic issues - Mobility, Pain, spine stabilization and more - Contact Mandi for more details.
I feel like I am holding back or something. 95 pounds was not enough. Next time I am going to do 135. I don't know why I didn't do more. I have to start finding my 1RMs too. I think this "warm up" business is over. It's time to start working and pushing hard. That being said... I love this workout the most.
PS the coaching and encouragement from the other athletes and coaches is awesome! That is the other reason I come back to this gym, the first reason being that it's CrossFit.
i. Jason - 2:56 Gym Record!
g. Steve H - 3:51 pr!
g. Tyler - 5:19 pr!
g. Brian C. - 5:38
g. Matt - 6:48
g. Dan - 6:25 (115#)
i. Keith - 4:09 pr! (95#)
g. Cain - 7:39 (95#)
g. Todd - 6:30 pr! (85#)
g. Mike T - 5:20 (75#)
g. Susan - 4:04 Gym Record!
g. Anita - 6:09 pr!
g. Meghan - 7:48 (75#)
i. Mandi - 4:04 (55#)
i. Deb - 4:40 (50#)
Oh, and in case its too subtle, I noted Grace as a "g." and Isabel as an "i." just in front of the names.
Order was by load, then time - with a flagrant disregard to whether the athlete did Grace or Isabel.
Great job tonight gang! If you are scaling the load and got a time under 5 minutes - Good news! You're stronger than you thought! If you are scaling and not quite at 5 minutes yet, just keep chopping away at that time and you'll bee there soon!
Intro Class Day 1 WOD
7:43 VV
8:22 Kevin
8:52 Susan B (knees, rom)
9:14 Renata (knees, rom)
Wow! I did this in Fayetteville, which has a the most BA Crossfit gym on Ft. Bragg. They remodeled a basketball gym to be Crossfit. I try to take photos for anyone that cares. Anyway, i'm a;most embarrassed to post my time, but I did 110lbs in 7:20.
Don't worry about the time Dillon. It probably would have taken me that long if Jason and Evan weren't yelling at me to keep moving at the end.
great job Cain! Keep pushing...even though you will be away for a few days.
6:15 (115#)
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