Filthy Fifty
For time:
50 Box jump (24/20")
50 Jumping pull-ups
50 Kettlebell swings (35/26#)
Walking Lunge, 50 steps
50 Toes to Bar*
50 Push press (45/ 33#)
50 Back extensions
50 Wall ball shots (20/ 14)
50 Burpees
50 Double Unders
Diesel's "Beasties"
*Moving Forward, CrossFit Diesel will use Toes to Bar as the Rx'd Standard movement for the "Filthy 50"
Compare to 8/25/11
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AJ, no way am I doing the filthy fifty at 7am the day after my bday... body won't have it... actually I subscribe to the 'be ready to train anytime anywhere' philosophy, but i think i've given you enough sluggish comedy during the 7am hour... have fun!!!!!
Why the change to the toes-to-bar?
AJ 25:31 (5 min PR!)
Hil 46:29 (12" box, floor T2B, 100 single-unders) PR!
Your determination this morning was nothing short of amazing. Way to stick it out. So proud of you.
K2E is a great move, and we will continue to see it in WODs, but the "50" is on "the Board" & as a gym, we need a clear standard of execution. The Games uses "Toe to bar" over K2E, due to its clarity. Hence our adoption of T2B as the standard.
Great job Hil, Strong finish!
100 strict Push Ups @ home, 10:24. Shoulders and arms were still spent from Friday.
Sujata 12:58 (tiny-20)
Megan 14:19 (half-50)
Teresa 18:51 (10'WB) PR!
Dan H 33:52 7MIN PR!
Steve H 30:30 5MIN PR!
Sean 34:00 (14#, som ROM, sit-ups)
Jason H. 37:44 (slurpee)
Yvette 36:26 (10'WB, strict burpees) PR!
Lauren 39:12 (slurpees) PR!
Shannon 23:03 (Dirty-30, slurpee)
Mike T 26:50 (Dirty-30, 15WB, 60su)
T 28:36 (slurpee) PR!
Chris 33:30
Rachel L 33:24 (T2B-ROM, Slurpee)
Susan 22:42
Josh 42:05
Evan 35:16
Great Job Gang!!
Checking the records, that was a 7:58 PR.
Thanks to all who pitched in to take care of the less well behaved than usual Oliver, so i could finish the work out. I really appreciate it (good work out = sanity = better mom). Hopefully, he'll understand that someday. Thanks again.
Friday night at open gym:
Filthy Fifty 21:48 PR (floor T2B, slurpee)
Thank you AJ and Mike T. keeping tabs on me and pushing me (and for those smiling faces :) ).
wanted to post this for future refence, at home wod:
10 RFT
10 PU
10 SU
10 squats
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