Tuesday 3/30/10


3 Rounds

20 Double Unders
20 Box-Jump (24/ 20") Jumping for Rx'd
20 Ring Dips

Compare to 12/3/09

(Post time to comments)

CrossFit Diesel Hikes Old Rag Mountain
Photo by Anita


Unknown said...

wow, first day back from being sick for a week and I get double unders (which I suck at) box jumps (which I hate) and ring dips (which nobody likes)

Thanks E&M

Mandi said...

T 11:03

Jason 11:21

Sean 11:45

Dan 13:10

Micheal 8:32 (1/2 double-unders)

Pat 10:51 (red band on last round)

Matt 12:14 (1/2 red, 1/2 blue)

Keith 14:42 (bar dips)

John M 16:11 (bar dips)

Kristian 16:59 (25 bar dips, 35 bar dips with red band)

Donte 9:50 (50 single-unders, red band, step-ups)

Dillon 14:38 (20"box, 10 ring dips, last set with red band)

Mike 10:48 (40 single-unders, 20" & 24" step-ups, blue band)

Gene 12:42 (bar dips with blue band, + more scales)

Mandi 10:38 (red band)

Lindsay 9:10 (blue band)

Susan 9:43 (red band, step/jump)

Meghan 12:01 (1/2 double-unders, 2x20 ??? red)

Kim 11:44 (1/2 doubles 1/2 singles, 1/2 steps 1/2 jumps, blue band 1round, green band 2rounds)

Anita 11:55 (60 single-unders, bar dips with black band)

Molly 10:20 (tuck jumps, step-ups, green band)

Julie 7:49 (60 single-unders, step-ups, tricep dips)

T said...

My ROM on the dips were a bit closer than I would've liked... c'est la vie, a decent time none the lessim