Wednesday 3/31/10


400 m Run
21 Wallball (20/ 15#)
21 Pull-Up
400 m Run
15 Wallbal
15 Pull-Up
400 m Run
9 Wallball
9 Pull-Up

Photo by Anita
(Post time to comments)


L said...

Thanks, Jason. Mandi did all the hard work!

Unknown said...

Jason, sorry buddy, I wasn't able to string all of the pull ups together. I was able to string a lot together, but not the entire set. It was good though.

Evan said...

Brian - 8:45
Jason - 9:43
Pat - 10:12
Kristian - 10:45
Steve - 11:12
Tyler - 11:42
Oliver - 11:47
Mike G - 12:13
Dan - 12:29
John M - 10:53 (15#)
Dillon - 14:09 (PU, 15-12-9)
Todd - 12:50 (15#, Red)

Lindsay - 12:54
Audra - 12:05 (10#)
Anita - 12:27 (Black)
Meghan - 13:21 (10#, Red)
Robin - 13:33 (10#, Red)
Molly - 12:30 (10#, Green)
Andrea - 14:53 (10# WB Rom, Green)

Evan 10:23 (Subbed - DB Thruster 2x20#)