Tuesday 8/21/12



7 Rounds for Max Load:

1 Snatch Balance
3 Overhead Squat

Compare to 6/15/12

Post load to comments

Hilary will be teaching the Mobility class tonight at 8pm! Come get your stretch on.


jshish8 said...


D. London (Tech. Work)
S. Matthews 135#
B. Lessler 75# (OHS 115#x1 PR!)
B. Bush 145# PR!

A. Shishineh 185# PR

Mike T said...

5 pm
S. Matthews 135
D. Hook 135
S. Wilner 125
Sh. Hulin 70
K. Faro 135

6 pm
J. Staman 135
M. Treas 95
H.Y. Tom 110PR
Y. Schreiber 115PR
V. Kurian 105
S. Pickett 155
J. Thrift 95
E. Raymond 48
J. Southworth 135
J. Hibbard 155
R. Lieberman 70
R. Morano 85 (3 RM OHS)
L. Roque 75
T. Tom 195 (225x2)

T said...

7 pm
H. Dean ???
I. Bruce 125
C. Knepper ???
A. Solomon 100
E. Dean 105 (PR!)
K. Berndt 72.5
M. Ruiz 115
A. Rigney 80
K. Baranowski 90
J. Shrader 125
C. Kingwood 95

Great job gang!

Cohee6 said...

5pm forgot to write on board

L. Cohee 90

Steve H said...


S Hulin - 190# PR!

Susan S. said...

I was late recording my number for 7 pm: 130#

Tony Braglio said...

6 pm forgot to write on the board


Tony Braglio