Thursday, Friday and Saturday 7/26-28/12

Crossfit Diesel is Moving to:

9520 Gerwig Lane, Suite L
Columbia, MD 21046

THURSDAY, 7/26/12: No Classes. 
Come and help move from 4pm to 7pm.

FRIDAY, 7/27/12: No Classes. 
Come and help move from 4pm to 7pm.

SATURDAY, 7/28/12: Closed.


RachelRose said...

Hip hip hurray! What a sweet space for Diesel's new home! Congrats once again, can't believe the big day is here!

Evan said...

Great work last night gang!
The whole thing is nearly done.

We're going to grill tonight after we are done moving the last things over.


Mandi said...

Thank you everyone for all your amazing help! This has truly been a community effort. The Diesel gym crew rocks.

The drinks and grilling was great last night :)