1/2 Isabel, 1/2 Mile, 1/2 Randy
15 Snatch (135/ 95#)
800 m Run
40 Snatch (75/ 55#)
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Congratulations Susan, Ali, & Jason on Kicking Butt at the CrossFit L1 Cert!
Registration for the Nutrition Challenge is UP!
More Details about the Nutrition Challenge have been posted under Comments
And Hil (found you in pink):
Hil rocked out at the L1 in Lexington? - Sweet! Way to go Hilary
A Shishineh 9:48
E Davidson 10:19 (MOD)
D London 12:02 (MOD)
R Morano 12:16 (55/45#)
M Davidson 13:34 (65/55#)
K Kuadey 13:53 (MOD)
B Lessler 13:58 (85/65#)
H Dean 15:10 (6555#)
Great group on an absolutely beautiful morning! Nice job guys.
Nutrition Challenge:
Online Registration Opens Today!
Registration is: $29
the Nutrition Challenge is limited to the first 12 to Register
Registration includes:
A Clinic*
Weekly Journal Reviews
Weekly Nutrition Tips based on your Food Journals
The person with the highest score at the end of 4 weeks (May 25th)will receive 1 Personal Training session.
*The Clinic will cover in detail how to eat healthy, the rules of the challenge, how to use online materials, etc. The Clinic is scheduled for 8:00 PM, this Friday (the 20th)
The Contest Officially Starts on:
Friday April 27th
And runs through: Friday May 25th
Participants will need to have their Journals updated and Submitted Every Friday Night.
All Journals will be entered and submitted online.
All participants will either - Log their nutrition an online food log (Such as myfitnesspal.com, or fitday.com)
Or submit an Excel spreadsheet**
** The excel option is only available to participants who do not have a weightloss goal.
Athletes will be graded on:
4 weeks of food journals
- Journals will be graded on:
- Macronutrient Balance (Zone)
- Food Quality (Paleo)
- Meal Frequency
Completion of Physical Challenge
Completion of Personal Goal
Bonuses can be attained by:
Class Attendance at CrossFit Diesel
Favorable Body Composition Changes measured at the beginning and the end of the Contest.
Let's get our Health Eat's On!
Where do we sign up?
Never mind :) I found it.
J Goss 9:36
M Sullivan 10:05
M Stephen 10:31
T Luz 8:11 (95 High Pull)
D Hook 9:36 (115/75
J Staman 9:59 (115/75)
K Palmisano 10:00 (115/75)
J Gober 10:41 (115/75)
O Nunn 11:12 (43/33)
A Fountain 11:30 (95/75)
K Faro 12:27 (105/75)
R Lieberman 12:00 (65/55)
Not with Class
M Gross 14:19 (135/95)
C Twaddle 7:56 (95/55)
S Matthews 10:28 (105/75)
Y Schreiber 10:08 (85/55)
S Fountain 11:14 (70/55)
K Berndt 8:39 (55/35)
S Rana 11:33 (55/45)
HY Tom 10:39 (80/55)
J Southworth 11:32 (105/75)
7pm Rookies
Fight Gone Bad - Variation
S Brown 200
R Olade 128
A Rager 139
Y Schreiber 166
S Boyce 168
Note to future self:
I did the math wrong. The first round I only did 115, the second round I did 75.
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