“Air Force WOD”
For time:
20 Thrusters
20 Sumo Deadlift High Pulls
20 Push Jerks
20 Overhead Squats
20 Front Squats
20 Thrusters
20 Sumo Deadlift High Pulls
20 Push Jerks
20 Overhead Squats
20 Front Squats
Men 95#/ Women #65
Every minute, on the minute you must stop and complete 4 Burpees before continuing.
Happy Birthday Rachel L. :-)
Happy Birthday Rachel!!!!
Happy Birthday Rachel L.
AJ 20:00 (95/95/95/65/65#)
Vinu 13:56 (65#)
Hilary 20:58 (35#)
Teresa 5:42 Rx
Happy Birthday Rachel!
happy burrday
Thanks everyone for the Bday wishes! I'm looking forward to the workout! :)
WTF Teresa! Ridiculous time. Happy Birthday Rachel!
Thanks V. Hillary stuck around and watched, so I felt some pressure to step it up, lol. Thought about going heavy, but then decided to crank through it as quickly as I could, so I stuck with the prescribed weight. That one was fun. :)
wow, that is an amazing time. enjoy the games this wknd!
Great job Teresa - seems like you did a good job avoiding all those burpees as well!!
Happy Bday Rachel!!!
I'm dragging my 11 year old nephew in today to watch this workout. I'm trying to convince him to give crossfit (kids?)a shot to get ready for his upcoming sports seasons.
Great job tonight everyone!! Especially those of you who denoted your burpee standards!
Jason S 9:25
Luke 11:47 (#95, 90degree burpees)
Whitney 13:36 (#65)
Kevin 15:01 (#65-#45)
Rachel L 17:00 -13 (#65-#55)
Rachel M 17:00 (#65-#45) (STRICT!)
Yvette 17:00
T 7:46
Hoi Yee 8:52 (45#)
Sujata 9:48 (45#)
Brian C 12:52
Lauren 13:24 (45#)
Jamison 14:52 (95x3rds, 45x2rds, STRICT!)
Kim 8:45 (25#)
E 9:35 (83# STRICT/some worm…)
Shannon 12:00 (35#, ROM, worm)
Sarah 15:43 (55x3rds, 35x2rds, worm)
Jesse S 17:00 -9 (75x4rds, 65x1rd)
Jeff 15:50 (85#)
Katie M 14:55 (25-15#, mostly strict burpees)
Brian should remember to log himself out :)
Congratulations on the engagement Sarah :) !
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