Tuesday 8/3/10



WOD for the USA/Crossfit Weightlifting meet.

AMRAP in 10 minutes
6 squat cleans (#120/#65)
12 pull-ups
24 double unders

Post rounds to comments

Way to go Dan! Photo courtesy of crossfit.com


Evan said...

Kristian 3+41
T - 3+17
John M - 3+2
John H - 2+31 (105, blue-green)
Mark - 3 (75#, blue, 50su)
Mike T - 3+12 (65#, blue, Bsu)

Mandi - 3+1
Meghan - 2+15
Anita - 4+4 (green-rom, Bsu)
Julie B - 3+18 (50#, B.row, Bsu)
Liz - 2+18 (50#, B.row, Bsu)

Evan said...

Bobby - 3:38
Teresa - 5:35
Jeff - 6:28
Irene - 7:25
Lance - 7:48
Katie - 7:55

Evan said...

Not With Class

Evan 3+5