Clean one rep every minute on the minute for 15 minutes.
(Post the highest and lowest loads to comments.)
Image courtesy of 2009 CrossFit Games
Just a reminder: We will be Hiking "Old Rag" in Shenandoah National Park this Sunday 4/2/10. If you would like to come please be in the Crossfit Diesel parking lot at 6:30am.
Alright CF'ers, I got wind of this through an article in the NYT today. Just when you thought mud runs and fun 5k courses couldn't get any better...
This is definitely for people like us.
Just an excerpt from part of the website (http://toughmudder.com/info/)
The Tough Mudder series is being launched because there is not a race in America that tests toughness, fitness, strength, stamina and mental grit all in one place and all in one day. Sure, there are a few races that will test these things – for thousands of dollars and a week of your life. But in one day in one location? We don’t think so. Other mud runs like the Muddy Buddy series? Forget it – unless you want to run alongside your 60-year-old grandmother. Tough Mudder is a truly exceptional event for truly exceptional people. Fair weather runners should stay at home.
FACT – Marathon running is simply boring. And the only thing more boring than doing a marathon is watching a marathon. Road-running may give you a healthy set of lungs, but will leave you with as much upper body strength as Keira Knightley. At Tough Mudder, we want to test your all-around mettle, not just your ability to run in a straight line, on your own, for hours on end, getting bored out of your mind.
Tough Mudder is also about experiencing a true sense of camaraderie that, sadly, is rarely seen outside of the military these days. To get over some of our obstacles you will need the help of others – they are simply too much for one man to tackle alone. Tough Mudders, unlike some other types of endurance racers, are team players; they help out other Tough Mudders. We want everyone to compete, but being a Tough Mudder is also about making sure no man is left behind, not worrying about your race time.
This would be awesome to do with a bunch of people from our group.
Here's the link to the article:
I've had this idea for a 5-Ton 5K beating around my head for a while.
Lifting and running is definitely a winning combination.
We could do it as an annual contest. Invite other affiliates, runners that want to tackle something new, etc.
Now what would be a good name? ...
The 5k 5 ton challenge...not your grandma's 5k.
So would it be 5 tons overhead then run, or five round of 1 ton, 1 km, or what?
I was thinking 3-5 different lifts,
Something like:
Front Squat
Run (Hobble)
Okay, I've played with the #'s and found a rep scheme I like :-)
... now where can I find some guinea pigs ...
pick me!
Just not the week of May 16, I'd like to finish my half marathon. :)
I think "The 5K-5 Ton Beating" is a perfect name. Personally, I would prefer a 1k-5 ton version.
Evan, self experimentation has a long a respected history...
I agree. I hope the outcome mimics that of Dr. Albert Hofmann rather than Carl Wilhelm Scheele's.
Jason - 135/ 225
Evan - 155/185 PR
Mike G - 135/ 185 PR
Keith - 95/ 150 PR
Dillon - 95/135
Jess - 85/130
Mike T - 55/ 115
Susan - 95/ 130
Anita - 85/ 115 PR
Mandi - 70/ 95 Tie PR
Oh and I ranked it by:
Highest weight /w "Lowest Weight" as a tie breaker
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