Friday 4/16/10



In as few sets as possible, perform:

50 Pull-Ups
50 Ring Dips

(Post rounds for each modality to comments)

Photo by Anita


Mandi said...

We are going bowling this Saturday Night at 8pm! Everyone is welcome to come and bring a friend. The bowling alley is basically on the other side of Snowden River. It will be just like kettlebell swings.....only this time you get to release it! Who's in???
7100 Carved Stone, Columbia, MD

deb said...

So sorry I missed tabatas yesterday... but after pushing my coach's SUV across a parking lot multiple times I'm in recovery mode for Saturday!

Here are directions to the rugby pitch:

The game is 90 minutes long, it should end around 12:30. The game really makes no sense the first couple times you see it (or play it, lol), so here's a rugby primer to help you along!

Matt said...

I'd love to but I've got to pick my wife up at the airport at the same time.

Michael said...

Mandi and Evan,

So there's no time element in this WOD? We can take as long as we like between sets?

Also, is interleaving allowed, or must we finish the pull-ups before moving to the dips, as usual?

Bowling sounds fun, but I don't think I'll be able to make it.

Steve H said...

Is the goal here to do large sets and complete the exercise in as little time as possible?

Evan said...

Q & A

1. Correct: There is no time element to this WOD. You may take as long as you'd like between sets.

2. Complete all of your Pull-Ups, then all of your Ring Dips.

3. The goal of this WOD is to complete the repetitions in as few sets as possible. Conceptually, a perfect score would be - 1 round, 1 round. (for video reference, you can see former NFL'er Andy Hendel performing a 95# OHS WOD in this manner: )

Enjoy - Seacrest OUT!

Steve H said...

That video is just outright nuts...

Evan said...

Brian - 43 PR!.7/17 PR!.14.10.9
(2/4)= 6 Rounds
Oliver - 25.28 PR!/20 PR!.15.8.7
(2/4)= 6 Rounds
Steve - 26 PR!.19.5 /22 GR!.16.12
(3/3)= 6 Rounds
Jason - 25.25/
(2/5)= 7 Rounds
Dan - PR!.
(4/5)= 9 Rounds
Pat - 29 PR!.21/r
(2/4)= 6 Rounds
John M - 20.22 PR!.8/ 5 (r 18.11.6)
(3/4)=7 Rounds
Donte - R 20.18.10/R
(3/4)=7 Rounds
Mike T - Blu
(4/5)= 9 Rounds
Gene - G 15.15.20/G/B
(3/4)= 7 Rounds

Susan - 29 GR!.21/4 GR! R 24.18.6
(2/4)= 6 Rounds
Robin - SmG 10.20.20/R 20.20.10
(3/3)= 6 Rounds
Anita - Blk 8.25.17/Blk
(3/4)= 7 Rounds
Julie - Blk
(7/5)= 12 Rounds

Evan - 31.19/ SmG 21.16.23
(2/3)= 5 Rounds