Tuesday 3/2/10



3 Rounds for time:

21 Waiters Lunges (35/ 25#)
15 ft Rope Climb, 3 ascents

(Post time to comments)

Compare to 5/5/09


T said...

Will this be at the 7am too?

Evan said...

Yup! :-)

Evan said...

Arthur Saxon - Strong man extraordinaire! He set the world record for "two hands any how" way back in the day. To this day his record in the side press + KB clean and jerk style of the "two hands any how" event has never been broken.

For those that are interested in classic (and contemporary) strong man CrossFit Diesel will be adding a 7:00 pm class on the subject on Tuesday nights.

Mandi said...

WOW! So huge Thank You to everyone for helping to make our first Year at Crossfit Diesel a success. Thank you for the cards, gifts and "congratulation" messages! You guys are awesome.

I can't wait to see what the next year brings.

Evan said...

Good times tonight gang - and great job on the Saturday WOD Jason.

Evan 6:56
Dan - 7:08
Mike G. - 11:09
Matt - 9:40 (6x climb, 1 rd scale)
Kristian - 11:40 (3x climb, 2 rd scale)
Tyler - 5:54 (1x climb, 2.67 rd scale)
Donte - 8:50 (3 rd scale)

Anita - 8:19 (12x rope scale)
Mandi - 9:45 (15#, 7x climb, .67 rd scale)
Sujata - 7:17 (25-20#, 3 rd scaled)
Deb - 7:16 (15#, 3 rd scaled)