Friday 1/8/10



10 Rounds for time

3 Thrusters (115/ 80#)
6 Pull-ups

(Post time to comments)


Steve H said...

Think the shoulders might get smoked on this one but all in all it's gonna be a fun one!

Unknown said...

anyone have a good youtube vid for a thruster?

Mandi said...

Here ya go Sean, Get it from the source...still some of the best :)

Thruster tri-panel...[mov][wmv]
Here is the same on Youtube:

Mandi said...

This looks like fun...maybe when we are outside again!!!

Mandi said...

Evan 8:09
Steve 8:35
Pat 9:40
Sean 11:24 (#95)
Keith 14:10 (#85)
Matt 11:35 (blue)
Darren 10:40 (#115 1-7, #95 8-10, blue, green, green with jumping)
Mike 14:39 (#65, red)

Linday 11:39 (#60)
Mandi 11:23 (#55)
Tamieko 8:33 (#65 & #70, red)
Audra 7:35 (#60, red)
Sujata 13:10 (#55, green)
Anita 7:43 (R@ #30, L@#5 & GHD Hip Ext.)

Mandi said...

Intro WOD 3

Steve - 1:51/ 2:07/ 2:05 (55#)
John D - 1:32/ 2:10/ 2:00 (95# Push Press)
Todd - 1:59/ 2:05/ 2:07 (45#)
Alex - 1:52/ 1:57/ 2:02 (65#)
Kim - 2:30/ 2:50/ 2:35 (20#)

Dan Hook said...

12:23 (95#)