In Teams of two perform "Bull"
Tag-team style (1 at a time, but Run together)
2 Rounds of:
200 Double-Unders
50 Overhead Squats (#135/#95)
50 Pull-ups
1 Mile Run
Compare to crossfit.com 10/26/10
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Endurance Class:
Please check comments for details
According to my records, we did this WOD back on 2-14-11 in case people want to compare...
9:00 AM Class
Susan & Teresa 30:15 (1600m Row)
AJ, Brian & Oliver 28:56 (95#)
Dan H & Jason H 41:17 (95#)
Yvette & Whitney 43:39 (85#)
Rachel's M & L 44:56 (75/65+Ppl)
Mike T, Josh & Vinu 48:18 (SU,65#, red/ 75#)
Hilary & Lauren 51:52 (various scaled & Rx'd movements)
Rookies - Snatch (squat, Pwr + OHS)
Mike B 85#
Eric 70#
Kwame 70#
Brad 68#
Kim and I forgot to write our times and scales on the board. Oops. Here it is:
47:20 (K: 60# / S: 60#(ROM), purple)
Evan 41:59 (1/2 BUll)
Evan you are an OHS machine!
As for the Endurance WOD tomorrow.
Will be at Hammond High School track at 0800.
Expect smaller distances and increased intensity.
See you then!
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