Clean & Jerk 15-12- and 9 reps
Touch and go at floor only. Even a re-grip off the floor is a foul. No dumping. Use same load for each set. Rest as needed between sets.
Compare to 5/3/11
(Post loads to comments)
Congratulations Teresa for Winning the Beast of the East!
Way to go Jason, Susan, Teresa & Tyler for rocking the competition Diesel style.
Special Events
Crossfit Diesel's first ever Nutrition Challenge will begin on Monday 10/17/11! Information and registration is posted on the bulletin board. Sign up this week.
It may not be pretty but the information is up. Please click here for more detailed information.
Teresa, Congratulations! You're a true inspiration! Couldn't agree more with Jason - it's fantastic to have an elite crossfitter around!!
So is the mid Atlantic hopper where u all will throw down next? Nov 13 wkend, anyone w a level 1 cert they still need judges. Teresa u are not only our superhero, u are officially number one, and I know I speak for everyone when I say that I cant wait to watch u at the games in 2012.
Jim (#115)15/12broken/9
Whitney #70:15/#75:12/#85:9
Hilary (#65)15broken/12/9
Rachel M #60:15/#65:12/#75:9
What is the premise behind the eating challenge?
Is it just sticking to a strict diet?
is the challenge posted online somewhere?
Rachel, how did you do on the Tour du Port? I woke up too late to make it up there but still got out and rode the Baltimore-Annapolis trail..fun but I need a new bike I plan to do anything more than 20 miles.
Full Details on the Challenge will be forth coming.
All of the details for the Zone/Paleo Fitness Challenge are done and posted on the bulletin board. Posting this information on our webpage today seems to be a little easier said than done. We will try to get it up asap.
Check our "events" page for Nutrition Challenge Information.
AJ #115/115/125 rx
Jason G #135/145/155 (15-10-9)
Jason H #105 rx
Kevin F #95 rx
Matt #140 rx PR
Steve H #140 rx PR
T #175/155/135 (9-12-15)
Teresa #113 (12-12-9)
Yvette #85br/80br/85 rx
Sujata, The ride yesterday was fun :) I did the 50 mile course instead of 65 so I could ride with this random woman I met there (she knew Baltimore very well and with about 200 turns I figured it'd be good to be with her if we got lost, plus I couldn't convince her to do 65). It took a whole lot longer than I expected, with all the turns etc, but it was a gorgeous day so I was in no rush. It's good you have your bike even if it's not great for distance! The Sunday endurance class will have cycling occasionally I believe.
A word to those doing the NUTRITION challenge-- the best thing I've ever learned when it comes to these 'clean up the diet' thingies is that if you Fail to Plan then Plan to Fail. Just my two-cents. (It's soooo true though, start planning the second you sign-up).
Also, this Sunday we'll have PARALLETTE making at Diesel. I'll be annoying and post this daily and I'll ask people when I'm there, but if you know you'll be coming to make your very own parallette to take home, please post or let me know in person so I get enough supplies. It will be about 10 bucks, take about an hour, and will be around 1pm (or whatever time is good for most people, doesn't matter to me).
6:00 PM
Jesse S 115#
Sujata 25# (1-arm DB = 8@30#)
Chris T 125 PR,135,135#
Mike T 95,105,115
Kim 50,55,67.5
Josh 105
Evan 135 PR
135F (11), 125, 125
This workout was good for me, it continued to punish me for not using the hook grip (could use a discussion sometime on how to maintain the hook grip when cycling), also I have a tendency to dump and rest for too long, and this type of workout helps defeat that.
Thank you all so much for your kind words. Believe me, I would not be where I am without your continued support, moreso on the rough days than the good. I absolutely love our "box" and everyone who makes it what it is. You guys are amazing.
Jason S., Tyler, and Susan. You guys did a fantastic job this weekend. Thank you for subjecting yourself to this grueling event. I truly hope you will do it again.
Evan, your support throughout the weekend was priceless. You seem to know exactly what to say at the right time, whether it's a good or bad moment for me. Thank you for making the trip for us. I couldn't ask for a better coach, and I am honored to be one of your athletes.
I wanted to give you a big CONGRATULATIONS from Japan! I'm excited for you and I look forward to seeing your next accomplishment! Great work! See you when I get back!
Rachel L.
Awe, I welled up a little.
Thank you, Teresa.
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