Team WOD
For Time:
As a team(teams of ~4), complete in order:
100 Wall ball (#20/#14)
100 Deadlifts (#245/#165)
100 Ring Dips
2K Row
Post time to comments
No Endurance Class this weekend.
Special Events
Crossfit Diesel's first ever Nutrition Challenge will begin on Monday 10/17/11! Registration will be all next week with more details to follow. Get Ready.
sunday is baltimore's 'tour du port' if anyone's interested in getting their endurance on. only up to a 65- mile option. 19 bucks for students. 60$ general registration the morning of. should be a gorgeous day.
9am Team WOD
Great job today class!
Shannon/Jim/AJ - 15:23 (#245/150, red)
Dan/Kim/Rachel M/Sean - 20:40 (some scales)
Vinu/Kevin/Whitney - 17:34 (#245/165, red)
MikeT/Steve/Hilary/Lauren 23:22 (#245/135, red)
In lieu of Sunday's Endurance WOD, I will be going for a run leaving from the gym at 9a tomorrow (Sunday). Come join me. I'll come up with a route to suit desired multiple desired run lengths. Lauren
5 squat snatches
5 push-ups
Rachel M 7+3 (#35-#55)
AJ 7 (#95)
Eric 6+1 (#35)
Dipti 6 (#25)
Mike B 5 (#55)
Shilpa ?
Hilary ?
I cannot make it at 9am but I was thinking of doing a sprint-related WOD at Hammond High tomorrow.
If anyone is interested, I will be there around 11am for some sprints.
Whoops, forgot to report for rookie WOD. 6 rounds, 35#, knee pushup.
CANNOT WAIT for nutrition challenge. Bring it!
hey rachel, i'm sort of thinking of doing the 'tour du port' - are you going for the 63 mile? It's way too early for me so I might get up there for the 24 mile option. Maybe I'll see you there!
An 8k run at the zoo.
Beast of the east results are posted
Mike T and Hilary, thanks for pulling my weight on the deadlifts today. After watching the other three of you row, I realized I am a very inefficient rower. Watched some videos tonight. More for me to learn and practice. Thank you to everyone for teaching me.
Awesome job at the Beast of the East Teresa, Susan, Jason, and Tyler!! You ladies and gents are freakin' amazing!
Sujata call me if you make it tomorrow, i might bring my phone on the ride just in case... would be awesome to see you there!
NEXT SUNDAY October 16th, PARALLETTE making party at Diesel, maybe around 1pm I'm thinking, but it's a definite for next Sunday, so please post if you'd like to come or if you'd like a parallette made for you. An at-home parallette of course! The cost will be about $10 (supplies) and I don't think they will take more than an hour or so to make. It's not terribly complicated. Check out the Journal article http://library.crossfit.com/free/pdf/13_03_Parallettes.pdf
which is of course what we'll use. I'll be bringing all the goods :)
Teresa WON the Beast of the East!!!!
Congrats Teresa!
Nice job Teresa!
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