Filthy Fifty or Dirty Thirty
For time:
50 Box jump, 24 inch box
50 Jumping pull-ups
50 Kettlebell swings, 1 pood
Walking Lunge, 50 steps
50 Knees to elbows
50 Push press, 45 pounds
50 Back extensions
50 Wall ball shots, 20 pound ball
50 Burpees
50 Double unders
Compare to 1/13/11
Post time to comments
*A Sign-up Sheet for the West Virginia FGB6 trip will be posted on the bulletin board.
*Crossfit Diesel will be going to Earth Treks this Saturday (8/27/11) for some rock climbing fun. An informal safety and knot tying instruction will take place this friday at 7pm during open gym. Please click the Earth Treks link for pricing information. Everyone will need a day pass, shoes and a harness.
Image courtesy of crossfit sport series
Don't do burpees early!
39:10 (8/23/11)
I am so so so glad that they are jumping pull-ups and not 'real' pull-ups, but will definitely need a little tape for the knees-to-elbows. I think (hope) this may be the first time through for me doing the filthy 50 rx! I just hope it does not take 50 minutes. Hee hee hee! BTW, is there a time cap?
7:00 AM
50:00 Minute time cap
AJ 30:16
Kevin 49:40 (WB 9', SU)
Hilary 49:47 (Floor K2E, Slurpy, 2xSU)
Filthy 50 Stats of the 2011 CFG Competitors
Slowest 5 Average - 24:30:48
Fastest 5 Average - 14:38:24
Slowest 5 Average - 27:36:00
Fastest 5 Average - 17:04:12
Thanks T, that is very motivating. It was the thrusters yesterday that slowed me down... ;)
Yes, thruster-pain has set in.
Filthy 50
Steve H - 35:21
Dan H - 41:50
Dirty 30
Lauren C + Oliver - 44:35
Oliver and I did 50s, not 30s
Oliver is one powerful little boy!! (And cuter everytime we see him) Thanks for bringing him in, I really love watching him grow; in a month or two he's not going to fit in that seat anymore, wow! :)
6:00 pm
Tyler 30:36 PR! (slurpee?)
Jamison 30:48 PR! (slurpee?)
Yvette 38:28 (strict burpees)
Rachel M 27:54 PR! (HkR)
Hoi Yee 29:46 (Steps, Slurpee, SU)
Josh 37:47 (50-30: WB 14# ROM)
Shannon 22:33 (HkR, GMs, Slurpee)
Rachel L 24:38 (KtA, Slurpee)
Great Job Jeff!
and first to post!
AMRAP 15min.
10 Hanging Power Snatches (#44/#33)
15 Push Press (#44/#33)
20 Squats to a medball
Mike T 5+37
Katherine 5+7 (#15)
Mike B 5
Sean L 5
Amy 4+12
Katie 4+5
Anansa 4
Eric D 3+18
What time are you guys climbing Saturday? I've been meaning to get back to climbing after a few years off.
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