Nelson's Fat Ass 50K
docks at lake Elkhorn: 8:00am
At the 9 am class
For Time:
SDHP (75# m, 55# w)
Push Jerk (75# m, 55# w)
(Post time to comments)
Compare to 4/7/09
SDHP (75# m, 55# w)
Push Jerk (75# m, 55# w)
(Post time to comments)
Compare to 4/7/09
Photo courtesy of Crossfit.com
Looking my over previous workouts and some of the CF Portland charts here are my New Year's Goals:
Press - 155
Squat - 310
Bench Press - 250
Dead Lift - 345
Power Clean - 205
Fran <= 7:30
100 meter hand stand walk (no wall!) < 13:00
Chelsea for the full 30
Fight Gone Bad >= 245
Helen <= 11:00
Karen <= 10:00
Jackie < 10:00
Sorry about the late post everyone....here are the times and loads:
Matt 20:43 Rx'd
Donte 19:36 #65
Susan 13:47 #55/#45
Anita 19:36 Left Arm #35/#30
Deb 18:01 #25 (SDHP/Push Press)
did it today @ 65lbs...no womens bar and i dont like the little plates! so i went up and it hurt!!
It's a tough one!
Here's a video of Brendan From the original CF Santa Cruz doing a demo of this WOD:
You tube deleted the sound track :-(
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