10 Rounds for time:
3 Squat Clean (155/ 100#)
6 Ring Dips*
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*Due to the limited number of rings, priority will be given to athletes not scaling the movement. Push-ups will make a good substitution for athletes needing to scale the dips.
Nelson of Nelson's Fat Ass 50K capturing the moment. Great Job Pat and Evan!
Wow, Did Keith have a sex change? or is there just something he hasn't been telling us???
Oops! My fault - I didn't drag and click the names in the right order.
Here's the amended list (with apologies to Keith)
Steve - 13:10
Tyler - 15:20
Evan - 11:30 (135#)
Pat - 12:34 (115#)
Dan H - 18:54 (115#)
Sean - 12:19 (95#)
Keith - 17:50 (95#)
Kristian - 17:00 (115#, red ring)
Mike - 13:16 (95#, red bar)
Susan - 11:53 (red ring)
Mandi - 10:59 (65#, red ring)
Sujata - 13:36 (65#, push-ups)
Anita - 9:33 (25#/ 10#, box)
Intro Class WOD 1 - Jump Rope Version
Names in Alphabetical Order
Andrea - 9:02 (1/2 Knee Pu)
John D - 10:34
John M - 7:34
Kim - 14:30 (-15 Knee Pu)
Steve - 4:17
Todd - 18:06
95lbs (didn't have 2.5lbs plates) and blue band for ring dips
at first i got used to working out on my own, now i miss the group classes again **sigh**
Don't worry Maggie, we'll welcome you back with open arms once your training is over.
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