Jerk (front only)
15 front or back squats* in as few sets as possible.
*Use the load from your heaviest jerk today.
Compare to 10/23/11
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Next on our Customer Appreciation Month we applaud Diesel athletes with 100 to 200 completed work-outs. Way to go everyone, congratulations!
Vinu 180
Whitney 171
Jamison 169
Chris 169
Mark G 137
Jesse S 134
Shannon 119
Sarah 108
Deb 106
Jason H 102
Jay 100
Do we get to use a rack, or will this effectively be a clean and jerk?
Also, can you please post a photo of Tyler in his costume. Alison would like to see it.
Should preference be given to the front squat due to it's natural carry over to the squat clean?
I cannot get my jerk on my back without a rack, so hopefully with a rack. I wanna see T and Hoi Yee's costumes too, pics on Facebook diesel page?
Rachel, none of these jerks will be going on your back....(front only).
- No need to Clean the weight today, we are focusing on the Jerk.
- That means we will be using racks today for the Jerk and the squats.
- The Jerks will be from the front only
- The squats can be front or back
I'm going to try to make it, but I'll have a Mini-Me in tow.
Anyone else volunteering or competing this weekend at the Mid-Atlantic Hopper Challenge? I will be volunteering on Sunday from 8-3...
Nice job Jason. Is that you in their 4:00 PM WODs the past 2 days?
Nice Jason and Rusty!
Give'em a little Diesel down under.
(Hopefully Deadlifts in Darwin tomorrow!)
Amy #85 / 1 set
5:00 PM
Matt S 200 / 3 FS
Dan H 175 (PJ)/ 1 BS
Josh 175 PR / 4 FS
Vinu 175 / 6 FS
AJ S 170 / 7 FS
Mike P 140 / 1 BS
Rachel M 105 / 4 FS
6:00 PM
Tyler 275 PR-Front/ 4 FS (240 OHS)
Evan 225 PR-Front/ 5 BS
Jamison 225 / 185 FS
Mike G 205 PR
Chris 185 PR/ 185 FS
Mike T 135/ 1 BS
Yvette 135 / 2 BS
Rachel L 130 PR / 2 BS @ 135
Shannon 107.5 / 1 BS (100)
Kim 85 / 30 Bs
245 OHS :)
Mandi #110PR/ technique work front squat #45x50reps
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