Saturday 11/26/11


Team Barbara (teams of 2)

Tag team style: 3 minutes of work followed by 3 minutes of rest per athlete 5 times.
20 Pull-up
30 Strict push-up
40 Sit-up
50 Squat

Compare to 7/13/11

Post rounds to comments

Endurance Class:
Please check comments for details


Brian Cohee said...

Sorry for any who were around or planning to make it, but I am away from town this weekend and thus can't lead the endurance WOD on Sunday. If anyone else would like to run the class, please do!

Have a Happy Thanksgiving everyone! Good luck keeping on the diets...

Mandi said...

Ben S & Nathan 8+105
Susan & Whitney 7+70
AJ & Keith 7+13
Kim & Teresa 6+32
Rachel & Shannon 5+95 (purple, some knees, some game pu)
Mike B & Donte 5+45
Chris & Holly 5+10
Yvette & Mandi 4+90
Mike T & Hilary 4+47 (red-green-jumping)

10am Rookies
500m Row
50 Thrusters (#45/#33)
50 Hip Extension/Good mornings (#45/#33)
50 Single-Unders or 25 Double-Unders

Rachel M 8:05
Yvette 8:29
Jason R 10:08 (50SU)
Jake D 11:05 25DU)
Eric 12:38 (SU)
Josh R 12:45
Brad 13:57 (SU-DU, #15)
Hilary 15:22