Complete as many rounds as possible in 15 minutes of:
25 Sumo Deadlift Highpull (#95/#65)
25 Push-ups
Post rounds to comments
Special Events
Crossfit Diesel's first ever Nutrition Challenge will begin on Monday 10/17/11! Information and registration is posted on the bulletin board. Sign up this week.
It may not be pretty but the information is up. Please click here for more detailed information.
Whitney 4+26
AJ 4+19
Rachel 2+40
Kevin 3+12 (75#)
Hil 3+15 (55#, knee)
Great job this morning guys.
Hey parallette people :) I'm so sorry but I goofed- the cost is $13per set (not $10). I suppose I was overzealous... See you Sunday at 1 if you're coming in to help make them. Anyone who ordered one but cannot make it yours will be in the back with your name on 'em :)
I thought I saw something in the comments this week about a 7pm information session about Paleo/Zone stuff. Is that still on, or did I mis-remember? Or is it all covered at the event link?
It will indeed be covered in tonight's 7:00 pm Open Gym.
Yes, I will be going over the Nutrition challenge this evening at 7pm. Additionally, I will be emailing out information to everyone that has signed up to participate.
I would like to participate in the nutrition challenge but am unable to make it to open gym. Can I get caught up to speed Sunday at paralette making? I'm flying back on Sat.
Absolutely Rachel!
5:00 PM
Teresa 6+18
Steve H. 4+37
Mike G. 4+33
Dan H. 3+45
Mandi 3+25
Sean L. 3+3
Susan 5+14
T 5+2
Yvette 4+14
Irene 4+5 (#65 deadlift only, knee pu's)
Jason S 4 (#135)
Vinu 3+36
Josh 3+25
Matt S 3+23 (#85)
Mike T 3+13
M Pratt 3+10 (#95)
Shannon 3 (#60)
Kim 2+23 (#55)
Jay 2+15 (#55, matt push-ups)
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