Pre-WOD Quiz
3 Minute Box Jump (24/ 20")
Psst! It's on the Aerobic Fitness Leader Board
Psst! It's on the Aerobic Fitness Leader Board
Run or Row 5 K
Cinco Kilometers por el Cinco de Mayo !!!
And, the much awaited Score Charts for the "How Fit Are You?" Testing (Mens & Womens) by Glassman/ Davidson
CF Diesel-Glassman's (How Fit Are You)
CF Diesel-Glassman's (How Fit Are You)
That's so funny...I was just pointing out the "3 minute box jump" to Teresa today...looking forward to this but not sure that I want to run 5 K afterwards!
So... I'm running a 5K this weekend. I'm subbing the Deadlift+HSPU WOD, if that's all right with Evan/Mandi/Instructor of the day.
Hi Gang!
The WOD should have said "Run or Row 5K". I think I was so distracted with trying to figure out how to embed a PDF into a post, that I accidentally omitted the Rowing option*.
*Limited Rower Availability
Looking at my scoring, it makes me realize how far I have to go to meet crossfit standards. Its not discouraging, it's exciting.
7:00 am
Row 5K
Jesse W. 19:45
Evan 21:27
Hi Keith,
If your coming in today, be ready to Run or Row. Sorry if that is inconvenient :( Alternatively, you could take a rest day, maybe?
Evan, now that you've done all calculations/scoring system, could we perhaps have the tests every few months? As Jamison says, it's exciting to think that we could feasibly score more points (slowly with time...!)
A-a-a-r-r-g-g-h-h-!! I would have rowed!
Sorry - joshsna is Jay (grandson Josh calls me Na. When I set up the Google account it asked for a display name - I said Jay... go figure. Working out tomorrow no matter what!
Row 5K
Ben S 20:41
Jason H 20:57
6:00 PM
Row 5K
Hoi Yee 24:45
Run 5K
Mike G 22:00
Tyler 24:35
Rachel 25:02
Mandi 27:55
Sujata 30:19
Teresa 21:43
Sarah 34:10
Luke ????
Brian 121 box jump
Well, I had the record for a good 12 hours I guess :)
Bobby 19:39 (ran FDA's White Oak Classic 5k at lunch today)
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