Monday 9/13/10


"365 Adventure"

10 Rounds for time:

3 Snatch (Any Style, Choose your load)
6 Burpee
5 Pull-Up

Compare to 1/28/10

(Post time, load & modality to comments)

Congratulations Dan & Rachel (Melissa & Andy...not shown) for representing Diesel at the 5ton5k!


RachelRose said...


Evan said...

Good Question Jason.

I vaguely recall a "dancing judge", but can't remember who it was "getin jiggy with it".

(... should 13 year old song references make me feel old?)

Cain said...

If I didn't have class tonight I would line up three barbells and do 115# squat snatch, 95# power snatch, 65# muscle snatch, followed by the burpees and pullups. All while wearing 20# weighted vest. With chains. Or maybe I would just wear chain mail.

Jamison Peter Hibbard said...

I'm surprisingly not that sore after taking 3rd in both the mens and womens evnets...

Jamison Peter Hibbard said...

95 Power 17:22

Evan said...

Jamison you have phenomenal recovery ability. 3..2..1..DESSB!

Oh and gang, phenomenal job tonight! I did not have my CPU with me, so I'll have to post your times tomorrow morning after I teach the 7:00 am class. Sorry for the delay. Now, I'm of to program and post tomorrows WOD.

Wish me luck.
(oh, and my verification word is "sorthnic")

RachelRose said...

Kim, it was actually the snatch balance that was part of a WOD 2 Mondays ago with Steve :) (Not a squat snatch)

Mandi said...

Michael G 12:09 (#95 power)
T 12:52 (#95 power, muscle)
Matt 19:55 (#95 power)
Jesse 14:21 (#85, power)
Terry 18:18 (#85, power)
Dan 13:54 (#75 power)
John H. 14:50 (#75 power, blue)
Gabe 14:19 (Power #65)
Todd 15:37 (#65, power)
Mike T. 17:57 (#65, 25 Rx PR!!!, 25 red)
Vinu 16:30 (#65, red)

Teresa 12:47 (#65, power)
Susan 12:01 (#55, power)
Whitney 14:06 (#55 power)
Amee 16:14 (#40, power, red)
Sujata 19:21 (#40, split snatch, green)
Rachel 22:41 (#40 Power, red)
Kim 20:37 (#35, 20 red PU, 30 red)
Melissa 16:58 (#35 power, blue)
Karin 17:34 (#35 power, black)
Irene 20:25 (#25, black)