Deadlift (225/ 155#)
Handstand Push-Up
(Post time to comments)
Compare to 11/20/09
New 7:00 PM Class times will be added to Monday's and Wenesday's starting 4/12/10
New 7:00 PM "Strongman" class will be added to Tuesday's starting 4/6/10
I thought I did this workout before but I was thinking of the Wednesday January 6th workout which was kind of similar.
Did people do ban assisted HSPU for this workout last time? If so then I am so on for for this workout.
Any scale for the HSPU's can be used. Be sure to get a dedicated spotter to help you get into position, though.
My favorite scale for HSPU's is use 1 or more Abmats (facing towards or away from the wall). Over the years, Ive found it to be the most productive with clients.
You may CrossFit if you say, "Hold my beer," prior to doing double unders at your own birthday party.
I did band assisted HSPU last time. It was kind of awkward. I much prefer the abmats.
There's no need for an apostrophe when making days of the week (or anything else) plural.
Also, I'm very excited to hear about the strongman classes. I should be there for tomorrow's. Today, my WOD will be pulling up old hardwood flooring for time.
12:02 RX w/HSPU ROM, 24 August 2009
11:00 RX'D, 20 November 2009
4:39 RX'D (21 consecutive HSPU), 5 April 2010
Evan, Mandi, you guys are awesome. No chance I would have made this kind of progress on my own!! DIESEL 4 LIFE!!
That would make a nice tat!
Wow. T, that's just incredible!
Tyler - 4:39 PR/ Gym Record!
Evan - 5:19 PR
Steve H - 10:44 PR!
Oliver - 10:45 PR!
Jason - 21:41 (10 reps to 1 abmat)
Matt - 11:44 (13 rep 185#, 30 rep to abmat)
Sean - 8:43 (facing)
John M - 10:17 (facing)
Kristian - 9:40 (1 Abmat)
Dan - 15:51 (12 to 1/ 33 to 2 abmat)
Mike T - 8:06 (pike to 1 abmat)
Keith - 9:13 (185#, 1 ambat)
Brian C - 13:44ish (165#, 25 to 1 abmat)
Dillon - 10:23 (135# sumo, 2 ab mat)
John H - 6:57 (205#, 2 abmat facing)
Todd - 7:06 (125#, pike)
Mark - 7:02 (80#, pike)
Bryan D - 17:28 (65#, knees on mat)
Susan - 9:47 (1 rep to 1 Abmat)
Mandi - 12:30 PR! (1 abmat)
Anita - 4:07 (knee push-ups)
Meghan - 9:01 (135#, 2 abmat)
Robin - 12:36 (125#, 2 abmat)
Lindsay - 4:12 (125#, pike to 1 abmat)
Sujata - 6:44 (105#, pike to 1.5 abmat)
Molly - 7:46 (105#, knees on mat)
Great Work!
Come often, Eat Good and Bring It!
... fitness will be yours.
Just Pike but no abmat used
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