Tuesday 2/16/10



Hanging Power Clean


Compare to 11/10/09

(Post loads to comments)

New 7:00 am Classes Start Today!


Julie said...

I'm really wishing I hadn't looked...

Evan said...

Best picture ever!

Unknown said...

Evan, when are you going to do one like that so that it can go up on the CF Diesel site?

Dan Hook said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Mandi said...

Nice Cleaning :)

Jason 205, 215x3
Ray 185, 195x1
John M. 165
Pat 135, 140x3
Brian 135, 140x2
Dan 130, 135x4
John H. 125, 135x4
Keith 125, 135x2
Mark 115

Anita 95, 100x2
Mandi 90, 95x3
Julie 85, 90x2
Meghan 85, 90x1
Deb 75, 80x3

Mandi said...

Sorry Dan......all fixed