Tuesday 8/18/09



Sumo Deadlift High-Pull


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Sumo Dead Lift High Pull...[wmv][mov]
Video courtesy of crossfit.com


Sujata said...

Hi Evan, I think you mean Tuesday 8/18/09 otherwise we might be forced to repeat today's WOD tomorrow! Also, do you think that I could sub with backs quats or front squats for this WOD (migth be less stress on my wrist)?

Jamison Peter Hibbard said...

Can someone explain to me how fat blocks work on the zone diet. i.e. whether to use 1.5 or 3 grams.

Every time i think i figure it out, I re-confuse myself. I know I'm making it too complicated.


maggie said...

check out this journal entry http://journal.crossfit.com/2004/05/zone-meal-plans-crossfit-journ.tpl

theres a free download on the journal site...it explains the zone very well

but it is 1.5 grams of fat per block...but this article will give you the measurements for most fat things which makes it easier to follw that.

Unknown said...

i hate these but ill come :(

Unknown said...

change of plans, i cant make it :(

Jamison Peter Hibbard said...

Thanks Maggie, CFJ 21 has been my go to for most everything. However when i'm calculating off the nutrition labels for other foods, i always get screwed up.

Aren't you supposed to double your fat when you eat a lean meat?

maggie said...

well when you are eating protein ie meat just worry about protein not fat.

you want to eat say 4 blocks of fat, 4 of protein, and 4 of carbs but even if your protein has fat in it, that does not count as your fat. no foods besides milk, yogurt and a couple others, count as two things.

i dont know if that makes sense, but basically if you are eating meat, dont count its fat!

Cameron said...

Or you can just go Paleo and eat how ever much you want as long as you stay away from sugar and processed food (ie bread, pasta, etc.). I have never understood the concept of weighing and measuring food. Eat when you are hungry and only eat until you are full. Do not binge eat, instead, eat every 2-3 hours.

Here is the CrossFit moto:
"Eat meat and vegetables, nuts and seeds, some fruit, little starch and no sugar. Keep intake to levels that will support exercise but not body fat. Practice and train major lifts: Deadlift, clean, squat, presses, C&J, and snatch. Similarly, master the basics of gymnastics: pull-ups, dips, rope climb, push-ups, sit-ups, presses to handstand, pirouettes, flips, splits, and holds. Bike, run, swim, row, etc, hard and fast. Five or six days per week mix these elements in as many combinations and patterns as creativity will allow. Routine is the enemy. Keep workouts short and intense. Regularly learn and play new sports."

And per your question regarding the increase in fat blocks...people typically recommend this when you start decreasing your carb intake. It allows your body to burn fat as fuel instead of high glucose containing starches. However, what you have to recognize, is that by doing this you are no longer eating "Zone" but instead are eating "Paleo".

If you enjoy reading people argue on the internet, here is a good link (one of many under CrossFit Nutrition Blog):

maggie said...

i agree with Cameron...paleo is the right kind of food to eat...but if your goal is to really lean out, i was say at least measure your fat, itd take a shit tons of peanuts before you think your fool and thats way to much!

just my opinion

Mandi said...

Today's Loads:

Jason 155-165-170-175-185
Tyler 115-135-140-140-150x
Pat 95-115-125-130(x4,5)-130
Dan H. 85-95-115-115-120
Steve(single-arm-DB-SDLHP) 30x10-30x10-40x10-40x10

Maggie 85-95-95x3-90-90
Laura 75-80-85-90-95
Susan 75-85-75-55-55
Deb 45-50-55-65-65

maggie said...

i spelled a lot of words wrong in that last post...i swear i no how to write hahaha

Cameron said...

Maggie, I believe you spelled a word wrong in the second post too. Do you "no" how to write or do you "know" how to write? Hilarious!

Here are my stats for the WOD:

Evan said...

Nutrition seems to be a hot topic!

Let's carry it over to Wednesday's comments. - I'll try to get the ball rolling over there.

... But wrapping up here: Jamison there is an assumed 1.5 grams of fat in each block of lean (not fat-free) protein. 40/30/30 works out, mathematically to 9/7/3 grams(c/p/f). So it 1.5 (f)is in your protein block, you only need to make up the difference with 1.5 grams in your fat block.

Since this is in reference to a food label:
If it is an individual food item (beef, carrots, mayo, potato roll, etc.) just place it in its individual category and balance your blocks from there.
If it is a combination of food items (a TV dinner, a hamburger on a bun, pizza, etc), then go ahead and divide: P/7, C/9, F/3
