Saturday 8/29/09



Hanging Squat Clean


Compare to 5/6/09

Clean video1 & video2 courtesy of


Cameron said...

Here is an interesting article about Vibram Five Fingers:

Jamison Peter Hibbard said...

I'm bummed I couldn't make it this morning! Here i sit at work...

I actually ordered a pair of five fingers yesterday - the KSOs. I have no idea if i'll like them. Or even when to use them. I'll figure that out as I go. I like to do alot of the CF workouts in barefeet, so i'm excited for that. Running I think will be an interesting experience.

Evan said...

We missed ya JPH!

Matt - 115, 120, 120 (PR!), 120x3, 110
Donte - 95, 85, 90, 105, 115 (PR!)
Susan - 85, 95, 100, 100, 102 (PR!)