Friday 8/28/09



Five rounds for time of:

(53/ 35) pound kettlebell, walking lunge, 10 alternating steps
(53/ 35) pound kettlebell, swing, 15 reps

(Post time to comments)

Compare to 3/11/09

Kettlebell swings...[wmv][mov]
Courtesy of


Evan said...

The bright side ... Travel = pancakes & Bacon!

Steve H said...

Maggie, I'll be heading to Windy city Gym for the 930am drop in of hanging power clean.

maggie said...

Steve, we had to change plans and will not be in chicago until tomorrow afternoon so ill miss all the classes :(...have fun though!!

Jamison Peter Hibbard said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Mandi said...

Way to go Prescribed everyone!!!

Susan 5:31
Cameron 6:47
Meghan 7:59
Oliver 8:57
Matt 10:28

Mandi said...

Intro Class:
3X with 1-3mintute rest between sets
200Meter Row
10 Thrusters

John:(#65) 1:33, 1:45, 1:55 = 5:13
Keith:(#55) 1:37, 1:45, 1:53 = 5:15
Mark(#55) 1:30, 1:32, 1:22 = 4:24

Anita:(#33) 1:51, 1:32, 1:36 = 4:59
Molly: (#33) 1:45, 1:55, 1:55 = 5:35

Jamison Peter Hibbard said...


Sweaty hands + kettlebell = lookout

Need chalk.

Dan Hook said...


That's the first WOD I've done with a 1.5 pood kb. Brutal.