Thursday 7/22/09



Overhead squat 1-1-1-1-1 reps
Front squat 1-1-1-1-1 reps
Back squat 1-1-1-1-1 reps

Try to increase load on each of the 15 sets

(Post loads to comments)
"Bad descent, left. Good descent, right."

"It is a weak squat that descends solely with an eccentric contraction of the hip and leg extensors. Ideally, the hip and leg extensors should be engaged in a powerful isometric contraction which the hip flexors overcome with a concentric contraction that pulls the squat downward. Engaging the hip flexors in this manner sets up a stabilizing tug-of-war for the pelvis between the hip flexors and extensors, creates an anterior tilt of the pelvis that supports the isometric contraction of the erector spinae, allows for a deeper squat without surrendering the lumbar curve, and additionally stretches the hamstrings for a more powerful return from the bottom."

Image and comentary courtesy of


maggie said...

jason you should check out crossfitextremefitness' blog...since your out of town a lot, they post a out of town WOD everyday. they pretty much all include burpees but hey we love burpees!

Evan said...

Congratulations to all of our athletes that PR'ed today!

OHS, Front Squat, Back Squat

Tyler 95-155, 160-220, 225-295 (315x)
Steve 95-155, 160-220 PR, 225-280
Cameron G. 95-150 PR, 155-215 PR, 224-255
Pat 65-100, 85-145, 155-190
Dan 65-75, 85-145, 155-190

Maggie 85-120, 135-170, 175-200 PR (205x)
Susan 75-115 (125x), 125-145, 155-195
Robin 55-95, 100-130 (135x), 135-155
Meghan 55-80, 85-115, 125-145 (150x)
Sujata 35-55 PR, 60-80 PR, 90-100 PR

Many more of you may have PR'ed today. If so, than please post! it is time to celebrate!!!

T said...

Does it count as a PR if we've never done it for weight before? if so than my OHS and Front were PR's. -Tyler

maggie said...

mine were all PRs! it was a good day!

Pat said...

I'm counting all of mine as PRs! Also I'll note that my front squat maxed at 165 and my back squat maxed at 210 today! Nice job everyone!

Cameron said...

I had a 40# PR on front squat, at this rate I will be at 255# in a few weeks! Looks like I need to work on my back squat to get that number above 300.