Thursday 5/7/09



4 Rounds for time:

400m Run
50 Squats

(Post time to comments)

Compare to 4/13/09

Click Here for a video demonstration of this WOD
Demo courtesy of CrossFit & YouTube


The next Intro to CrossFit series will start on May 18th.
Click on the "Events" tab for more details.


Evan said...

I bet Mr. Lee would have some thoughts! Who would have thought that out little corner of the web would get spam. Was it some sort of kitchen slicer he was peddling? I didn't investigate too closely.

Thoughts on Burpees (yay burpees!):

The sprawl is the fastest, most efficient way to the floor - And has a fast eccentric ROM, distributed between the athletes arms and the hips. Sprawling burpees share similarity in efficiency to the kipping pull-up, in that regard.

Segmentation of the burpee can lead to a reduction in intensity/ work output. One can get in their own way while pursuing their own concept of virtuosity.

That said, a total abandonment of form can decay the burpee into a belly-floped, snaking push-up, calf raise. None of which should be acceptable in competition or in the gym.

Evan said...

Here at CrossFit Diesel we be enforcing a strict burpee standard. (yay burpees!)

A video clips that demonstrate the standard can be reviewed here:

I want everyone on board with this.

Evan said...


Wanda - 11:54
Cameron - 12:34
Tamieko - 12:55
Audra - 13:00


Meghan - 13:25 (25 rep squats on rounds 3 & 4)

And on another note, this Burpee video of the new standards makes a the simultaneous contact of the nose, chest, and thighs with the floor more distinct:

I'll be listening for each rep people, so make it loud!