Saturday 1/14/12

Team WOD

As a team, complete:

21 Rope Climb
200 Box Jump
200 Squat Snatch (95/ 65#)
5k Row

Team Members will work simultaneously to complete the above tasks.

Endurance WOD: Please check comments for details

Rich Froning Jr. the November 2011 issue of People Magazine.


Mandi said...


Hilary, Eric, Rachel M. Susan, AJ 24:28
Shannon, Whitney, Ben, Kevin, Dan 26:25
Donte, Kasey, Kim, Alan, Josh 26:46

Susan S. said...

10 am Rookie class: Diane Variation
B. Smith 10:26 (Rx + 185#DL)
S. Moore 11:45 (Rx + 175# DL)
M. Walsh 12:15 (KTB/53# DL/3pad HSPU)
E. Dean 12:45 115# DL/knee press/mat PU)
B. Cope 13:30 (knee up/165 #DL/2 pad HSPU)
J. Schrader 13:42 (185#DL/K2B)
S. Matthews 14:32 (115#DL/knee press/mattPU)
H. Dean 15:41 (145#DL/decline TTB/20#DBpress)
R. Wallace 17:00 (95#DL/knee
press/matt PU)

Good job today!!!

Yvette said...

I was so sore and tired this morning. I couldn't even think about the WOD without hurting and getting tired. So jelouse though that I missed rope climbs :) Good job guys!!! Whitney I'll miss you ( who am I gonna chase ?)

Mandi said...

WOD Club Update:

Susan and Teresa have video's up - Time to go and vote!

1. Go to and click on "Results"

2. Scroll down and find Susan Stephens and Teresa Luz

3. Click on their "Video"

4. Watch, enjoy, and give them a big thumbs up!

Pass it on to everyone you know and get them to vote Yes for Susan & Teresa - Your WOD club candidates for 2012!

whitney said...

Hey all .. I wanted to say thank you fr everything! You are all such inspirational people and I am so glad that I was able to Crossfit with each of you! I'll miss you all so so much and will return shortly! Please let me know if you need anything at all!! Here's my contact info:

248 860 7012

374 e. tienken
Roch hills, mi 48306

whitney said...

Shannon - here's Ricky's contact info/ address:

Bigelow, Richard
APO AE 09355

Shannon said...

Thanks, Whit! I will hit you up in a few weeks to see if there's anything Ricky needs and/or wants in his care package.

We'll miss ya (especially at Endurance)!