CrossFit Games Event 10 (Variation)
20 Calorie Row
30 Wallball Shots (20/ 14#)
20 Toes to bar
30 Box jumps (24/ 20")
20 Sumo-deadlit high-pull (105/ 75#)
30 Burpees
20 Shoulder to overhead (135/ 95#)
400 M Sandbag Run (45/25#)
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Congratulations all 5TON5K Competitors on a great race!
Men's Division
1st David Cooper
2nd John Bates
3rd Okinyi Ayungo
Women's Division
1st Christy Phillips
2nd Teresa Luz
3rd Erin Ferner
How does the shoulder-to-shoulder overhead work?
You know Bobby was in my heat so I don't have any race pics :( Who was the other guy in military pants taking photos during the 10am heat? Are his photos gonna be posted somewhere?
We'll get more pictures up, Yvette - Don't fret, it might just take a little longer.
Shoulder to overhead = Options.
Press, Push Press, or Jerk are examples.
7:00 AM
AJ 21:14
Rachel 25:29 (floor t2b, 65# sdhp /85# s2oh)
Teresa 13:53 (10'wb, 24"box)
Steve 16:56
Susan 18:53
Matt 20:55
Yvette 21:14
Dan 21:21
Vinu 23:30
Tyler 14:33
Luke 16:06
Sujata 17:32 (#10wb, #45sdhp, boxstep, #20db OHpress)
Michael G 19:08
Dawn 19:16 (various scales)
Kim 19:38 (#10wb, #55sdhp & OH)
Jason G 19:43
Chris 20:16
Rachel L 20:32 (#75 OH)
Shannon 21:01 (#65sdhp & OH)
Jay 21:15 (20-10reps, 15sit-ups, 12"box, #45sdhp & OH)
Cami 20:59 (#10wb, step-up, #45sdhp, #40OH)
Jesse 31:07
7:00 PM
Whitney 18:17 (65/ 85#)
Josh 25:31 (115#)
Done during open gym
22:36 (24in box, 65 SDHP, 75 OH)
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